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← 10ed611ed612ed6 →
Prime factorization 11 (prime)
Step size 281.996¢
Octave 4\11ed6 (1127.98¢)
Twelfth 7\11ed6 (1973.97¢)
Consistency limit 2
Distinct consistency limit 2

11ED6 is the equal division of the sixth harmonic into six parts of 281.9959 cents each, corresponding to 4.2554 edo. It is related to the temperaments which temper out 28561/28512 and 85293/85184 in the 13-limit, which is supported by 17, 34, 149, 166, 183, 200, 217, and 234 EDOs.

Related temperament

2.3.11 subgroup 17&183

Comma: |-19 36 0 0 -11>

POTE generator: ~|7 -13 0 0 4> = 281.9832

Mapping: [<1 -1 -5|, <0 11 36|]

EDOs: 17, 34, 166, 183, 200, 217, 366, 383, 400, 566 subgroup 17&183

Commas: 28561/28512, 85293/85184

POTE generator: ~286/243 = 281.9821

Mapping: [<1 -1 -5 -1|, <0 11 36 20|]

EDOs: 17, 34, 149, 166, 183, 200, 217, 234, 366