Srutal vs diaschismic

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Srutal and diaschismic, both discussed at diaschismic family, are two different temperaments in the 7-limit. This page compares and contrasts them in detail.

Temperaments of diaschismic family has a half-octave period and tempers out 2048/2025, diaschisma. Not only the fifth or fourth, but also the diatonic semitone (~16/15) can be used as a generator. Extending diaschismic temperament to the 7-limit, there are several mappings that are comparable in complexity and error: pajara (12&22), keen (22&34), srutal (34d&46) and diaschismic (46&58).

In srutal, 7/4 is represented by 15 diatonic semitones minus half octave, or five 6/5s minus half octave.

In diaschismic, 7/4 is represented by one and half octaves minus 8 diatonic semitones, or four 5/4s minus half octave.

They can be extended naturally to the 11-, 13-, and 17-limit by adding 176/175, 352/351, and 221/220 to the comma list in this order.


Intervals of srutal (34d&46)
Generator -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12
Cents* 17.73 122.57 227.40 332.24 437.08 541.92
Ratios 15/14 8/7 17/14 9/7 15/11
Generator -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6
Cents* 46.76 151.60 256.44 361.28 466.12 570.96
Ratios 12/11 15/13 16/13 17/13 18/13
Generator -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Cents* 75.80 180.64 285.48 390.32 495.16 600.00
Ratios 22/21 10/9 20/17, 13/11 5/4 4/3 24/17, 17/12
Generator 0 1 2 3 4 5
Cents* 0.00 104.84 209.68 314.52 419.36 524.20
Ratios 1/1 18/17, 17/16,
9/8, 17/15 6/5 14/11
Generator 6 7 8 9 10 11
Cents* 29.04 133.88 238.72 343.56 448.40 553.24
Ratios 14/13, 13/12 11/9 22/17, 13/10 11/8
Generator 12 13 14 15 16 17
Cents* 58.08 162.92 267.76 372.60 477.43 582.27
Ratios 11/10 7/6 21/17 21/16 7/5

* in 17-limit POTE tuning

Intervals of diaschismic (46&58)
Generator -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12
Cents* 35.19 139.01 242.82 346.63 450.44 554.25
Ratios 13/12 11/9 22/17, 13/10 11/8
Generator -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6
Cents* 58.07 161.88 265.69 369.50 473.32 577.13
Ratios 11/10 7/6 21/17, 26/21 21/16 7/5
Generator -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Cents* 80.94 184.75 288.56 392.38 496.19 600.00
Ratios 22/21, 21/20 10/9 20/17, 13/11 5/4 4/3 24/17, 17/12
Generator 0 1 2 3 4 5
Cents* 0.00 103.81 207.62 311.44 415.25 519.06
Ratios 1/1 18/17, 17/16,
9/8, 17/15 6/5 14/11
Generator 6 7 8 9 10 11
Cents* 22.87 126.68 230.50 334.31 438.12 541.93
Ratios 15/14, 14/13 8/7 17/14 9/7 15/11
Generator 12 13 14 15 16 17
Cents* 45.75 149.56 253.37 357.18 460.99 564.81
Ratios 12/11 15/13 16/13 17/13 18/13

* in 17-limit POTE tuning


See also