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← 66edt67edt68edt →
Prime factorization 67 (prime)
Step size 28.3874¢ 
Octave 42\67edt (1192.27¢)
Consistency limit 2
Distinct consistency limit 2

67EDT is the equal division of the third harmonic into 67 parts of 28.3874 cents each, corresponding to 42.2723 edo. It is related to the regular temperament which tempers out 2100875/2097152 and |-36 45 -14 -1> in the 7-limit, which is supported by 296, 465, 761, and 1057 EDOs among others.

Related regular temperaments

296&465 temperament


Commas: 2100875/2097152, |-36 45 -14 -1>

POTE generator: ~64/63 = 28.3825

Mapping: [<1 0 -3 6|, <0 67 225 -135|]

EDOs: 296, 465, 761, 1057


Commas: 46656/46585, 2100875/2097152, 21437500/21434787

POTE generator: ~64/63 = 28.3824

Mapping: [<1 0 -3 6 1|, <0 67 225 -135 104|]

EDOs: 296, 465, 761, 1057


Commas: 1575/1573, 46656/46585, 199927/199650, 216513/216320

POTE generator: ~64/63 = 28.3825

Mapping: [<1 0 -3 6 1 -2|, <0 67 225 -135 104 241|]

EDOs: 296, 465, 761, 1057