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Interval information
Ratio 31/30
Subgroup monzo [-1 -1 -1 1
Size in cents 56.766858¢
Name large tricesimoprimal quartertone
Color name 31og1, thiwogu unison
FJS name [math]\text{P1}^{31}_{5}[/math]
Special properties superparticular,
Tenney height (log2 nd) 9.86109
Weil height (log2 max(n, d)) 9.90839
Wilson height (sopfr (nd)) 41
Harmonic entropy
(Shannon, [math]\sqrt{nd}[/math])
~4.41618 bits

[sound info]
open this interval in xen-calc

31/30 is the large tricesimoprimal quartertone measuring about 57 ¢. It differs from 33/32, the undecimal quartertone, by 496/495 (approx. 3.49 ¢). It differs from 32/31, another tricesimoprimal quartertone, by 961/960 (approx. 1.80 ¢); they together make 16/15.

Ben Johnston's notation denotes this interval simply with the number "31", and its reciprocal as 31 (a turned 31).

See also