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← 3afdo 4afdo 5afdo →
Prime factorization 22
Fifth 6/4 (701.955c)

4afdo (arithmetic division of the octave), or 4odo (otonal division of the octave), divides the octave into four parts of 1/4 each. As a scale it may be known as mode 4 of the harmonic series or the Over-4 scale. Because 4 is a power of 2, 4afdo corresponds to the 4th to 8th harmonics octave-reduced. The notes of 4afdo create a harmonic seventh chord.


# Cents Ratio Decimal Interval name Audio
0 0 1/1 1.0000 perfect unison
1 386.3 5/4 1.2500 just major third
2 702.0 3/2 1.5000 just perfect fifth
3 968.8 7/4 1.7050 harmonic seventh
4 1200.0 2/1 2.0000 perfect octave