User:CompactStar/RST notation

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RST notation is a notation for just intonation and regular temperaments that was devised by CompactStar. Iit is an extension of 3-limit chain-of-fifths notation where prefixes are added to convey higher-limit commatic alterations. The prefixes for formal commas are obtained by going through a truncated version of the alphabet (RSTUVWXYZ) and appending "uper"/"ub". If the letter is a vowel we discard the first "u". Thus the formal comma for 5 has the prefix pair "ruper-"/"rub-", 7 has the prefix pair "super-"/"sub-", 11 has prefix pair "tuper-"/"tub-", etc. These are abbreviated using as rp/rb, sp/sb, tp/tb, etc. This system is a generalization of the widespread usage of the Latin prefixes super-/sub- for alteration of Pythagorean intervals by 64/63 which, although ad-hoc, has the advantage of being easily typable and fairly easily memorizable.

Formal commas

Prime limit Formal comma Prefix pair
5 81/80 ruper-/rub-
7 64/63 super-/sub-
11 33/32 tuper-/tub-
13 1053/1024 uper-/ub-
17 4131/4096 vuper-/vub-
19 513/512 wuper-/wub-
23 736/729 xuper-/xub-
29 261/256 yuper-/yub-
31 32/31 zuper-/zub-