Xenharmonic Wiki:Wikifuture

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Hello there! This page is for general discussion on how to improve the wiki. A community wish list of sorts.

If you have an experimental proposal for changing or adding to the wiki in a new way, post it on this page.

If you have a proposal to improve the basic fundamentals of the wiki, post it at: Things to Do.

For bugs, please report them at: Bugs.

See also: Conventions, Projects#WikiProjects, Migration FAQ, as well as Category:Todo and its subcategories.

This page has associated archive pages:

Future of this wiki

Please leave suggestions below. Don't forget to sign them: type ~~~~ after your comment to leave a signature. For example: Mike Battaglia (talk) 12:46, 19 September 2018 (UTC)

Improved Yahoo! search engine

Now that you can do an advanced search of the tuning (or other) list over the entirety of its life on Yahoo, there is less need to copy things from the tuning list archive. On the other hand, particularly well-written emails might deserve to get their own page. Authors' permissions necessary? zenjacob (talk 21:12, 7 August 2006 (UTC)

Database of "microtonal solutions"

Not only examples of hardware-software setups as Jon Szanto has repeatedly suggested, but also acoustic solutions, experiencial instrument-making info, a list with the location of every known rare microtonal instrument, and perhaps a way for composers to write for such instruments (providing the curators of them want this)

An instrument-centric approach: MicrotonalInstruments. zenjacob (talk 21:12, 7 August 2006 (UTC)

Improved Listening List

The list of downloadable microtonal sounds is in good shape. It does need people to watch relevant sources (tuning and MMM lists come to mind) and add/update the links. A reviewing or rating system, perhaps also of CD releases, may additionally be helpful. zenjacob (talk 21:12, 7 August 2006 (UTC)

Pages on debates?

Do we want to touch the dangerous stuff? JI vs. ET vs. EDO? MMM vs. just plain MM? The point would not be to have another place to play out the old arguments, but to make something useful out of them.

On the other hand, we could make pages on points that many can agree on, with the aim of working together to come up with ways to meet our collective goals. The obvious one, originally Harry Partch: Microtonality is overlooked or dismissed all too often, and the best way to counter its detractors is in making good music with it. zenjacob (talk 21:12, 7 August 2006 (UTC)

More on making things: a radical proposal

To me, the wiki as a structure remains an invitation to try new ways to represent information and to cause social interaction to happen. Much of this is overlap with the general Web 2.0 mentality, as well as creeping exhibitionism: why blog or wiki about something you're doing instead of just doing it? What I add to it are Unreasonable Expectations (that others are doing similar things and just need a poke or two in the direction of sharing) and Half-Baked Ideas (for projects that I personally don't have the time to complete but we can perhaps get a coalition of the wishing-it-would-happen). This idea itself is admittedly half-baked, but (and this is the point) I don't let it stop me.

So the radical proposal is this: be irresponsible. Start something you don't intend to finish, just to see how beautiful it is. Pretend you are backed up by a solid movement of joyous people rather than a smattering of bickering and frigid but seemingly well-meaning folks. And it will (maybe) come true. xenjacob (talk 15:24, 29 August 2007 (UTC)

Javascript strategy

Javascript is by default disabled on Mediawiki for security reasons. However, it could be a really really powerful tool for making accessible, interactive explanations for a lot of things. Just as an example, imagine that any number followed by ¢ would automagically create an exemplary audio file like the one linked to at the top of octave...imagine something like that playing when you hover over the text. Or imagine a Lissajous curve appears in the background when you hover over a just ratio. There are some of us capable in Javascript, and some extant widgets written in Javascript, like Billy Stiltner's MOSedo and AKJ's tools. We need at least a collected xenharmonic Javascript library, and maybe that project can't live here, but it would be nice to see it eventually integrated somehow. Xenjacob (talk) 15:51, 22 September 2018 (UTC)

Create pages for the Edo recommendation hub page

Create pages where you recommend a list of edos to beginners.

Follow the standardised structure shown on the page Edo recommendation hub page to make it easy for readers to compare with the other lists.

When your page is done, link it on Edo recommendation hub page.

And/or create flow charts to help beginners choose edos, and link those on Edo recommendation hub page.

Budjarn Lambeth 05:46, 15 December 2024 (UTC)

Create a unified "Chains, circles and spirals" page

On the Discord today, Fredg999 posted the following proposal, it received a lot of upvotes:

"Chains are basically 1d lattices, probably something worth mentioning in some form.
Circles and spirals are just different ways to represent chains.
Therefore, it would make sense to have a single page about chains, circles and spirals.
The merge doesn't have to be done immediately, of course, but I think that's the best course of action in the long term.
Chains are relevant not only in edos, but also in rank-2 regular temperaments, where the octave dimension is collapsed (as is common in a circle of fifths, for that matter), leaving only one other generator to stack, making a single chain. Several temperament pages have such chains, for that matter."

BudjarnLambeth (talk) 07:05, 20 December 2024 (UTC)