User talk:Yourmusic Productions

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Linking wiki pages is simple

Hi Yourmusic Productions,
I saw you adding links to other wiki pages the hard way ([URL title]). The most important birth helper of the wiki idea was the ability to link notes easily and quickly. You can link to another page in the wiki by putting its name in double square brackets ([[page name]]). The easy way has also the benefit to show by its color if the destination page already exists or not (you saw this when looking at just fifth) See Help:Editing for more information. BTW: Welcome to the wiki community! :-)
In case you are wondering how to respond to messages, just write in the line below (with on or more : at the beginning of the line for indentation) and maybe sign your message with --~~~~ (this will be auto-translated into user name plus timestamp).
--Xenwolf (talk) 19:51, 31 May 2020 (UTC)

the page you created

Hi Yourmusic Productions,
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I read the introduction of Tuning various edos by ear as to see if the categories I was up to add fit. Maybe you'll find better categories or some more to add. It's currently only linked from you user page (short reminder: this can be done by placing the page title in double square brackets), hopefully there are other pages that can be linked to it.
Best regards --Xenwolf (talk) 05:56, 22 July 2020 (UTC)

Thanks. Yeah, it probably still needs a bit of rewriting to fill in all the metadata and put it into objective language. But better out of my head and in a form where other people can contribute than staying in the drafts forever.
Please remember to change the internal link syntax, the WhatLinksHere function automatically finds links using the internal syntax (double square brackets), but not the external syntax (single square brackets). --Xenwolf (talk) 09:27, 22 July 2020 (UTC)

Harmonize categories of interval pages

Hi Yourmusic Productions, we are interested in your opinion about Categories of interval pages, thanks in advance for taking the time. --Xenwolf (talk) 21:21, 8 November 2020 (UTC)

Ups and downs notation tables on the EDO pages

Hi Yourmusic Productions, we seem to have dueling edits. I'm the inventor of ups and downs and I created most of the ups and downs columns in the intervals pages. We seem to have a difference of opinion about the importance of minimizing the number of ups and downs needed. In 41-edo, one could notate 13\41 (~5/4) as either vM3 or d4. The latter minimizes that number, but IMO is inferior. I'd rather see C vE G than C Fb G. I'd rather call the chord a downmajor chord than a sus-flat4 chord. Likewise for 22-edo's very similar-sounding 5/4, C vE G not C D# G, and C downmajor not C sus-sharp2. This is an important advantage of ups and downs: you never have to spell an interval in the 300-400¢ range as a 2nd or 4th. And in general the notes column needn't zigzag madly back and forth among the 7 letters, but can for the most part march steadily C D E F G A B C.

There is of course the atonal approach where there is no key, there are no clear chords, there's just various combinations of notes. In that case, chord spelling isn't so important. But even then, one wouldn't want to zigzag too much.

Perhaps there is a misconception about the notes column in the table, as opposed to the interval names columns, which I believe we agree about. The notes column is meant to show how the notes would be named in the key of D. Because the note names vary depending on the key, and 22-edo's vE would indeed be D#, if you're in the key of E. But it's too much to write out all the possible names for each note. So the note names should match the interval names. In 34-edo, 10\34 is a mid 3rd not a dim 4th, so in D, the note isn't Gb but ^^F. (BTW I chose the key of D because it's symmetrical, and therefore easier to proofread.)

Of course, we microtonalists often disagree, and you may prefer to see ups and downs used differently. But as the creator of the system, I feel I have the right to make the note columns as I see fit. So rather than editing what I've written, please consider other options. The first thing to try is discussing your opinions directly with me and see if one of us can change the other's mind. The discussion tab of the ups and downs page might be a good place for that. Another is to create your own xenwiki page about your preferred ups and downs style, and link to it from the ups and downs page. Or maybe add a paragraph to certain edo pages. The beauty of the xenwiki is that it allows room for each of us to advocate for different approaches.

BTW, looking over the note columns, I see I haven't been totally consistent in choosing when to include enharmonic equivalents. I'll be updating those shortly.

Anyway, looking forward to hearing from you! :) --TallKite (talk) 00:49, 16 December 2020 (UTC)

- Yeah, it seems that this is particularly a problem with superpythagorean systems, where if you follow the math strictly, it frequently looks like you're going the wrong way on staff notation. Guitar tab is so much less of a headache in that respect. Regarding ups and downs in general, I do think it might be helpful to distinguish between movements in systems where every interval is reachable by chains of 5ths, so you could just use sharps and flats if you want, and the ups & downs just give you different ways to notate the same interval, and edos that are contorted in the 3-limit, so a different type of notation becomes essential to move between chains. --Yourmusic Productions (talk) 08:57, 16 December 2020 (UTC)

Good points. Very true about C# being above Db in those edos. About distinguishing between contorted vs. non-contorted use: in practice, any score that uses ups and downs must define them at the top of the page, e.g. "^1 = 1\15" or "^1 = 1\15 = 80¢" for 15-edo. That sort of clues you in to that. One could also write something more explicit there, e.g. "fifth = 9\15 = 720¢" or even "fifth = 3\5 = 720¢". --TallKite (talk) 22:56, 16 December 2020 (UTC)

Reduce comma tables on EDO pages

Please have a look at Xenharmonic Wiki: Things to do #Comma tables in EDO_pages. Thanks --Xenwolf (talk) 09:09, 11 January 2021 (UTC)

More pages to give yourself credit for

Should give yourself credit for the various Lumatone mapping pages you created. Lucius Chiaraviglio (talk) 20:30, 1 January 2025 (UTC)