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Read about me here: Kite Giedraitis

Here's some of my favorite lattices:

2-D 5-limit JI lattice: File:2-D 5-limit JI Lattice.pdf

3-D tetrahedronal 7-limit JI Lattice File:3-D tetrahedronal 7-limit JI Lattice.pdf

2-D 7-limit JI lattice via Bizozogu tempering (2401/2400) File:2-D 7-limit JI lattice.pdfnote to self:

Good quora post on microtonality, really should go in the xenwiki somewhere, don't know where though:

ups and downs graphics:

Up arrow petaluma script.svg
Down arrow petaluma script.svg
Up arrow arial narrow.svg
Down arrow arial narrow.svg