Scale index

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Finally, a scale archive that YOU, fair reader and scalesmith, can easily take part in! To add a scale, create a page about it and add a link to it here.

Galleries of scales

See also: Category:Lists of scales

Galleries of just intonation scales

12-tone JI scales, combination product sets, comma pump example scales, CS scales, fokker blocks, maximal harmony epimorphic scales, MOS transversals, nonoctave JI scales, wakalixes, Z-polygon transversals, other JI scales

Full list: Category:Just intonation scales

Galleries of tempered scales

12-tone tempered scales, arithmetic pitch sequences, clippers, essentially tempered scales, marvel woo scales, MOS cradle scales, nonoctave tempered scales, scalesmith systematic scales, other tempered scales

Full list: Category:Tempered scales

Galleries of ET subsets

11edo modes, 19edo modes, 22edo modes, 24edo scales, 31edo modes

Types of scales

Individual scales

External links