Gallery of other just intonation scales
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Forrest Cahoon
- The 1-7/6-3/2-7/4 chord in Csound (a.k.a 12:14:18:21)
- The 1-7/6-3/2-7/4-2/1 chord (a.k.a 12:14:18:21:24, the ‘Sevens tetrachord’, a subset of 12afdo)
Jake Freivald
Kyle Gann
- ArcanaXVI Kyle Gann's scale for Arcana XVI
- Revisited Kyle Gann's scale for The Day Revisited
- CharingCross Kyle Gann's scale for Charing Cross Charing Cross by Kyle Gann
- FugitiveObjects Kyle Gann's scale for Fugitive Objects Fugitive Objects by Kyle Gann
- gann custer Kyle Gann, scale from Custer's Ghost to Sitting Bull, 1/1=G Custer's Ghost to Sitting Bull by Kyle Gann
- gann frac Kyle Gann's scale for Fractured Paradise Fractured Paradise by Kyle Gann
- gann ghost Kyle Gann, scale from Ghost Town, 1/1=E Ghost Town by Kyle Gann
- gann new aunts Kyle Gann, scale from New Aunts (2008), 1/1=A New Aunts by Kyle Gann
- gann things Kyle Gann, scale from How Miraculous Things Happen, 1/1=A How Miraculous Things Happen by Kyle Gann
- gann super Kyle Gann, scale from Superparticular Woman (1992), 1/1=G Superparticular Woman by Kyle Gann
Tarkan Grood
- Thirteenten Tarkan Grood's 2.3.13/5 scale
Lou Harrison
- Nature's Own: 1/1, 9/8, 7/6, 4/3, 19/12
- Kyai Gunter Sari pelog: 1/1, 13/12, 7/6, 17/12, 3/2, 19/12, 7/4, 2/1
K. Lugheidh
Claudi Meneghin
Juhani Nuorvala
Prent Rodgers
- ChevyShake Scale used in Prent Rodger's The Stick Shift Chevy Shake The Stick Shift Chevy Shake by Prent Rodgers
- Harmd-mix HarmD-Mixolydian. Harmonics 7-14 For the Downwinders by Prent Rodgera
Margo Schulter
- Xenogj24 Margo Schulter Neo-Gothic 3/17-flavor JI in 2.3.17/7 subgroup Pythagorean Enharmonic Improvisation 1
Joel Taylor
- Al-farabi_blue Al-Farabi Blue Study 1a2 by Joel Taylor
- Eikohole2 2nd eikohole ball study no 2 - a melody by Joel Taylor
- Grady_14 Grady 14 Study 1
- Grady 14 Study 6a1-756 by Joel Taylor
- Wilson 17 Wilson 17 Study 1a by Joel Taylor
Chris Vaisvil
- Hexlesfip22seed Fantasia for Electric Piano and Drum Kit by Chris Vaisvil
- Denny-24-to-48 Harmonics 24 Through 48 Inclusive by Chris Vaisvil
- Hilim13 Stuck at the Screaming Toll Booth by Chris Vaisvil
James Wyness
Wyness often uses multiple of these tunings at once in his compositions, tuning different instruments differently, effectively using polymicrotonality.
Based on slendro:
- 110Hz meta-slendro: 1/1, 8/7, 7/6, 4/3, 3/2, 12/7, 7/4, 2/1
- Si Aptos: 1/1, 8/7, 4/3, 3/2, 7/4, 2/1
- Mills: 1/1, 8/7, 4/3, 3/2, 12/7, 2/1
- Faraway: 1/1, 7/6, 4/3, 3/2, 7/4, 2/1
Based on pelog:
- Kai Udan Arum: 1/1, 16/15, 7/6, 4/3, 22/15, 47/30, 9/5, 2/1
- Note: This scale is a subset of 30afdo
- Amogus scale
Unknown discoverer
- Bohlen-p detempering
- 5-limit double harmonic major (3-SN)
- Partch9 (modified from a Harry Partch scale, but unknown who modified it)
- Trichord7 Trichordal undecatonic, 7-limit
- Stellarhex mandala/stelhex/cube(2) plus 7/6 and 7/5; convex in marvel tempering
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