Consonant class scale

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A consonant class scale is a scale with a consonant interval class, that is, a number n such that all n-step intervals of the scale are "consonances" (of a certain odd limit).

The models for such scales are meantone[5] (in which the 2-step intervals are 5/4 and 4/3), and even better known, meantone[7] (in which the 2-step intervals are 6/5 and 5/4). Harmonizing a diatonic melody by parallel thirds is a commonly used formula that reliably produces beautiful harmony. Consonant class scales are an attempt to generalize this property of the diatonic scale.

Rank-2 consonant class scales


{4/3, 3/2}

  • Augmented[6] (3-step intervals consist of 3 4/3's and 3 3/2's)


{6/5, 5/4}

  • Meantone[7] (2-step intervals consist of 4 6/5's and 3 5/4's)
  • Porcupine[7] (2-step intervals consist of 5 6/5's and 2 5/4's)
  • Mavila[7] (2-step intervals consist of 3 6/5's and 4 5/4's)
  • Srutal[10] (3-step intervals consist of 4 6/5's and 6 5/4's)
  • Negri[10] (3-step intervals consist of 3 6/5's and 7 5/4's)
  • Blackwood[10] (3-step intervals consist of 5 6/5's and 5 5/4's)
  • Sensi[11] (3-step intervals consist of 9 6/5's and 2 5/4's)
  • Orson[13] (4-step intervals consist of 3 6/5's and 10 5/4's)
  • Godzilla[14] (4-step intervals consist of 8 6/5's and 6 5/4's)
  • Helmholtz[17] (5-step intervals consist of 8 6/5's and 9 5/4's)
  • Superpyth[17] (5-step intervals consist of 9 6/5's and 8 5/4's)

{6/5, 4/3}

  • Mavila[5] (2-step intervals consist of 1 6/5 and 4 4/3's)
  • Hanson[7] (2-step intervals consist of 6 6/5's and 1 4/3)
  • Srutal[8] (3-step intervals consist of 2 6/5's and 6 4/3's)
  • Doublewide[10] (3-step intervals consist of 8 6/5's and 2 4/3's)

{5/4, 4/3}

  • Meantone[5] (2-step intervals consist of 1 5/4 and 4 4/3's)
  • Porcupine[8] (3-step intervals consist of 3 5/4's and 5 4/3's)
  • Diminished[8] (3-step intervals consist of 4 5/4's and 4 4/3's)
  • Mohajira/Neutrominant[10] (4-step intervals consist of 2 5/4's and 8 4/3's)
  • Hanson[11] (4-step intervals consist of 6 5/4's and 5 4/3's)
  • Tetracot[13] (5-step intervals consist of 4 5/4's and 9 4/3's)


{8/7, 7/6}

  • Slendric[5] (1-step intervals consist of 4 8/7's and 1 7/6)
  • Superpyth[5] (1-step intervals consist of 3 8/7's and 2 7/6's)
  • Orwell[9] (2-step intervals consist of 1 8/7 and 8 7/6's)
  • Miracle[10] (2-step intervals consist of 8 8/7's and 2 7/6's)
  • Pajara[10] (2-step intervals consist of 6 8/7's and 4 7/6's)
  • Beatles/Neutrominant/Hemif[10] (2-step intervals consist of 6 8/7's and 4 7/6's)
  • Hedgehog[14] (3-step intervals consist of 4 8/7's and 10 7/6's)
  • Porcupine[15] (3-step intervals consist of 9 8/7's and 6 7/6's)
  • Augene[15] (3-step intervals consist of 6 8/7's and 9 7/6's)
  • Meantone[19] (4-step intervals consist of 9 8/7's and 10 7/6's)
  • Sensi[19] (4-step intervals consist of 6 8/7's and 13 7/6's)

{8/7, 6/5}

  • Keemun[4] (aka magical seventh chord)
  • Gorgo[5] (1-step intervals consist of 4 8/7's and 1 6/5)
  • Porcupine[8] (2-step intervals consist of 2 8/7's and 6 6/5's)
  • Armodue[9] (2-step intervals consist of 4 8/7's and 5 6/5's)
  • Negri[9] (2 step intervals consist of 7 8/7's and 2 6/5's)
  • Astrology[10] (2-step intervals consist of 8 8/7's and 2 6/5's)
  • Neutrominant[10] (2-step intervals consist of 6 8/7's and 4 7/6's)
  • Flattone[12] (3-step intervals consist of 3 8/7's and 9 6/5's)
  • Magic[16] (4-step intervals consist of 4 8/7's and 12 6/5's)
  • Mohajira[17] (4-step intervals consist of 6 8/7's and 11 6/5's)

{8/7, 5/4}

  • Hemithirds[7] (2-step intervals consist of 5 5/4's and 2 8/7's)
  • Godzilla[9] (2-step intervals consist of 8 7/6's and 1 5/4)
  • Magic[13] (4-step intervals consist of 1 8/7 and 12 5/4's)

{7/6, 6/5}

  • Myna[4] (aka starling tetrad)
  • Sensi[8] (2-step intervals consist of 2 7/6's and 6 6/5's)
  • Hedgehog[8] (2-step intervals consist of 4 7/6's and 4 6/5's)
  • Superpelog[9] (2-step intervals consist of 8 7/6's and 1 6/5)
  • Negri[9] (2 step intervals consist of 7 7/6's and 2 6/5's)
  • Meantone[12] (3-step intervals consist of 3 7/6's and 9 6/5's)
  • Augene[12] (3-step intervals consist of 3 7/6's and 9 6/5's)
  • Pajara[12] (3-step intervals consist of 6 7/6's and 6 6/5's)
  • Valentine[16] (4-step intervals consist of 4 7/6's and 12 6/5's)
  • Muggles[16] (4-step intervals consist of 4 7/6's and 12 6/5's)
  • Miracle[21] (5-step intervals consist of 13 7/6's and 8 6/5's)

{7/6, 5/4}

  • Deutone[7] (2-step intervals consist of 2 7/6's and 5 5/4's)
  • Godzilla[9] (2-step intervals consist of 8 7/6's and 1 5/4)
  • Superpyth[12] (3-step intervals consist of 9 7/6's and 3 5/4's)

{6/5, 9/7}

  • Godzilla[9] (3-step intervals consist of 3 6/5's and 6 9/7's)
  • Superpyth[12] (4-step intervals consist of 4 6/5's and 8 9/7's)

{5/4, 7/5}

  • Keemun[7] (3-step intervals consist of 2 5/4's and 5 7/5's)

{4/3, 7/5}

  • Meantone[7] (3-step intervals consist of 6 4/3's and 1 7/5; both 2-step intervals are also consonant)
  • Beatles[7] (3-step intervals consist of 5 4/3's and 2 7/5')
  • Negri[9] (4-step intervals consist of 5 4/3's and 4 7/5's)
  • Sensi[11] (5-step intervals consist of 4 4/3's and 7 7/5's)
  • Miracle[11] (5-step intervals consist of 5 4/3's and 6 7/5's)
  • Magic[16] (7-step intervals consist of 11 4/3's and 5 7/5's)

{4/3, 10/7}

  • Garibaldi[7] (3-step intervals consist of 6 4/3's and 1 10/7)
  • Dominant[7] (3-step intervals consist of 6 4/3's and 1 10/7)
  • Augene[9] (4-step intervals consist of 6 4/3's and 3 10/7's)
  • Godzilla[9] (4-step intervals consist of 7 4/3's and 2 10/7's)
  • Superpyth[12] (5-step intervals consist of 11 4/3's and 1 10/7)
  • Muggles[13] (6-step intervals consist of 8 4/3's and 5 10/7's)
  • Rodan[21] (9-step intervals consist of 18 4/3's and 3 10/7's)

{7/5, 10/7}

  • Hemithirds[6] (3-step intervals consist of 3 7/5's and 3 10/7's)
  • Miracle[10] (5-step intervals consist of 5 7/5's and 5 10/7's)
  • Beatles[10] (5-step intervals consist of 5 7/5's and 5 10/7's)
  • Negri[10] (5-step intervals consist of 5 7/5's and 5 10/7's)
  • Blacksmith[10] (5-step intervals consist of 5 7/5's and 5 10/7's)
  • Meantone[12] (6-step intervals consist of 6 7/5's and 6 10/7's)
  • Augene[12] (6-step intervals consist of 6 7/5's and 6 10/7's)
  • Muggles[16] (8-step intervals consist of 8 7/5's and 8 10/7's)
  • Superpyth[22] (11-step intervals consist of 11 7/5's and 11 10/7's)


{7/6, 9/7}

  • Superpyth[7] (2-step intervals consist of 3 9/7's and 4 7/6's)

{6/5, 9/7}

  • Sensamagic, Godzilla[9] (3-step intervals consist of 3 6/5's and 6 9/7's)
  • Hedgehog[6] (2-step intervals consist of 2 6/5's and 4 9/7's)

{5/4, 9/7}

  • Orwell[9] (3-step intervals consist of 6 5/4's and 3 9/7's)
  • Negri[9] (3-step intervals consist of 6 5/4's and 3 9/7's)
  • Meantone[12] (4-step intervals consist of 8 5/4's and 4 9/7's)
  • Pajara[12] (4-step intervals consist of 8 5/4's and 4 9/7's)
  • Miracle[21] (7-step interval consists of 14 5/4's and 7 9/7's)

{9/7, 4/3}

  • Semaphore[5] (2-step intervals consist of 2 9/7's and 3 4/3's)
  • Superpyth[5] (2-step intervals consist of 1 9/7 and 4 4/3's)
  • Diminished[8] (3-step intervals consist of 4 9/7's and 4 4/3's)
  • Sensi[8] (3-step intervals consist of 7 9/7's and 1 4/3)
  • Hedgehog[8] (3-step intervals consist of 6 9/7's and 2 4/3's)
  • Beatles/Hemif/Neutrominant[10] (4-step intervals consist of 2 9/7's and 8 4/3's)
  • Pajara[10] (4-step intervals consist of 2 9/7's and 8 4/3's)
  • Negri[10] (4-step intervals consist of 4 9/7's and 6 4/3's)
  • Orwell[13] (5-step intervals consist of 7 9/7's and 6 4/3's)
  • Keemun[15] (6-step intervals consist of 6 9/7's and 9 4/3's)
  • Augene[15] (6-step intervals consist of 3 9/7's and 12 4/3's)
  • Mohajira[17] (7-step intervals consist of 2 9/7's and 17 4/3's)

{9/7, 7/5}

  • Deutone[7] (3-step intervals consist of 4 7/5's and 3 9/7's)
  • Magic[13] (5-step intervals consist of 11 9/7's and 2 7/5's)


  • Muggles[10] (5-step intervals consist of 8 9/7's and 2 10/7's)

{9/7, 3/2}

  • Magic[7] (3-step intervals consist of 5 9/7's and 2 3/2's)


{12/11, 9/8}

  • Mohajira[7] (1-step intervals consist of 4 12/11's and 3 9/8s)

{6/5, 11/9}

  • Mohajira[7] (2-step intervals consist of 1 6/5 and 6 11/9's)

{4/3, 11/8}

  • Mohajira[7] (3-step intervals consist of 5 4/3's and 2 11/8's)
  • Orwell[9] (4-step intervals consist of 2 4/3's and 7 11/8's)


{13/11, 13/10}

  • Shoe[6] (2-step intervals consist of 2 13/11's and 4 13/10's)


{9/7, 7/5}

  • Sirius[7] (2-step intervals consist of 2 9/7's and 5 7/5's)

{7/5, 5/3}

  • Rank-2 Bohlen-Pierce[5] (2-step intervals consist of 2 7/5's and 3 5/3's)

{5/3, 9/5}

  • Sirius[6] (3-step intervals consist of 3 5/3's and 3 9/5's)

Rank-3 consonant class scales


{8/7, 6/5, 5/4}

  • Marvel, marvel11max7a and marvel11max7b, 7 notes (2-step intervals consist of 1 8/7, 2 6/5's, and 4 5/4's)

{7/6, 6/5, 5/4}

  • Hewuermity or Zeus, zeus7tri, 7 notes (2-step intervals consist of 2 7/6's, 1 6/5, and 4 5/4's)

{5/4, 4/3, 7/5}

  • Breed or Jove, 7 notes (3-step intervals consist of 2 5/4's, 1 4/3, and 4 7/5's)

{7/6, 6/5, 5/4}

  • Portent; 4 5/4's 4 6/5's and 3 7/6's in the third class

Rank-4 consonant class scales


{6/5, 5/4, 4/3}

  • 1-3-5-11 hexany, 6 notes (2-step intervals consist of 2 6/5's, 2 5/4's, and 2 4/3's)

External links