SHEFKHED interval names

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SHEFKHED interval names is a diatonic based system for interval naming developed after a review of the historical development of Western interval names, and of current proposed schemes, taking the best and leaving alone the worst aspects of the existing standards. In addition to the standard diatonic interval name qualifiers - 'M', 'm', 'P', 'A' and 'd', the three most commonly used microtonal qualifies, 'N', 'S' and 's' are used, along with interval-class degrees and the additional qualifiers 'c' and 'C'. Using these SHEFKHED interval names or Smith/Helmholtz/Ellis/Fokker/Keenan/Hearne Extended-diatonic interval names, almost all small to medium sized equal temperaments (ETs) can be named such that 'S' and 's' and/or 'C' and 'c' correspond to a displacement of an interval up or down a single degree of the ET, respectively. With the addition of two more qualifiers, 'W' and 'n', SHEFKHED can name all intervals from all edos. Many commonly used MOS scales may also be described using this scheme such that these scales' interval names are expressed consistently in in any tuning that supports them. The scheme, which can also be easily mapped to many of the current interval naming standards, facilitating translation between them, should improve pedagogy and communication in microtonal music.

This scheme is now called FKH Extended-diatonic Interval Names