Oceanfront scales
Oceanfront is a subgroup temperament. It is an extension of Archy. It can be extended into Ultrapyth.
These are some scales available in the POTE tuning of Oceanfront, where the generator is 713.910 cents.
If one prefers an equal temperament tuning, all these scales can be replicated almost exactly in 79edo.
MOS scales
Oceanfront[5] Symmetric (resembles 5edo)
- 227.82
- 486.09
- 713.91
- 972.18
- 1200.
Oceanfront[7] Lydian
- 227.82
- 455.64
- 683.46
- 713.91
- 941.73
- 1169.55
- 1200.
Oceanfront[7] Major
- 227.82
- 455.64
- 486.09
- 713.91
- 941.73
- 1169.55
- 1200.
Oceanfront[7] Mixolydian
- 227.82
- 455.64
- 486.09
- 713.91
- 941.73
- 972.18
- 1200.
Oceanfront[7] Dorian
- 227.82
- 258.27
- 486.09
- 713.91
- 941.73
- 972.18
- 1200.
Oceanfront[7] Minor
- 227.82
- 258.27
- 486.09
- 713.91
- 744.36
- 972.18
- 1200.
Oceanfront[12] 7 gens up, 4 down
- 197.37
- 227.82
- 258.27
- 455.64
- 486.09
- 683.46
- 713.91
- 744.36
- 941.73
- 972.18
- 1169.55
- 1200.
12 up, 4 down
- 166.92
- 197.37
- 227.82
- 258.27
- 425.19
- 455.64
- 486.09
- 653.01
- 683.46
- 713.91
- 744.36
- 911.28
- 941.73
- 972.18
- 1139.1
- 1169.55
- 1200.
17 up, 4 down
- 136.47
- 166.92
- 197.37
- 227.82
- 258.27
- 394.74
- 425.19
- 455.64
- 486.09
- 622.56
- 653.01
- 683.46
- 713.91
- 744.36
- 880.83
- 911.28
- 941.73
- 972.18
- 1108.65
- 1139.1
- 1169.55
- 1200.
22 up, 4 down
- 106.02
- 136.47
- 166.92
- 197.37
- 227.82
- 258.27
- 364.29
- 394.74
- 425.19
- 455.64
- 486.09
- 592.11
- 622.56
- 653.01
- 683.46
- 713.91
- 744.36
- 850.38
- 880.83
- 911.28
- 941.73
- 972.18
- 1078.2
- 1108.65
- 1139.1
- 1169.55
- 1200.
27 up, 4 down
- 75.57
- 106.02
- 136.47
- 166.92
- 197.37
- 227.82
- 258.27
- 333.84
- 364.29
- 394.74
- 425.19
- 455.64
- 486.09
- 561.66
- 592.11
- 622.56
- 653.01
- 683.46
- 713.91
- 744.36
- 819.93
- 850.38
- 880.83
- 911.28
- 941.73
- 972.18
- 1047.75
- 1078.2
- 1108.65
- 1139.1
- 1169.55
- 1200.
32 up, 4 down
- 45.12
- 75.57
- 106.02
- 136.47
- 166.92
- 197.37
- 227.82
- 258.27
- 303.39
- 333.84
- 364.29
- 394.74
- 425.19
- 455.64
- 486.09
- 531.21
- 561.66
- 592.11
- 622.56
- 653.01
- 683.46
- 713.91
- 744.36
- 789.48
- 819.93
- 850.38
- 880.83
- 911.28
- 941.73
- 972.18
- 1017.3
- 1047.75
- 1078.2
- 1108.65
- 1139.1
- 1169.55
- 1200.
21 up, 20 down
- 30.45
- 60.9
- 91.35
- 121.8
- 136.47
- 166.92
- 197.37
- 227.82
- 258.27
- 288.72
- 319.17
- 349.62
- 364.29
- 394.74
- 425.19
- 455.64
- 486.09
- 516.54
- 546.99
- 577.44
- 592.11
- 622.56
- 653.01
- 683.46
- 713.91
- 744.36
- 774.81
- 805.26
- 835.71
- 850.38
- 880.83
- 911.28
- 941.73
- 972.18
- 1002.63
- 1033.08
- 1063.53
- 1078.2
- 1108.65
- 1139.1
- 1169.55
- 1200.
39 up, 39 down
- 14.67
- 30.45
- 45.12
- 60.9
- 75.57
- 91.35
- 106.02
- 121.8
- 136.47
- 152.25
- 166.92
- 182.7
- 197.37
- 213.15
- 227.82
- 242.49
- 258.27
- 272.94
- 288.72
- 303.39
- 319.17
- 333.84
- 349.62
- 364.29
- 380.07
- 394.74
- 410.52
- 425.19
- 440.97
- 455.64
- 471.42
- 486.09
- 500.76
- 516.54
- 531.21
- 546.99
- 561.66
- 577.44
- 592.11
- 607.89
- 622.56
- 638.34
- 653.01
- 668.79
- 683.46
- 699.24
- 713.91
- 728.58
- 744.36
- 759.03
- 774.81
- 789.48
- 805.26
- 819.93
- 835.71
- 850.38
- 866.16
- 880.83
- 896.61
- 911.28
- 927.06
- 941.73
- 957.51
- 972.18
- 986.85
- 1002.63
- 1017.3
- 1033.08
- 1047.75
- 1063.53
- 1078.2
- 1093.98
- 1108.65
- 1124.43
- 1139.1
- 1154.88
- 1169.55
- 1185.33
- 1200.
Subsets of Oceanfront[12]
Ionian Pentatonic (approximated from Meantone in 12edo)
- 455.64
- 486.09
- 713.91
- 1169.55
- 1200.
Minor Harmonic Pentatonic (approximated from Meantone in 12edo)
- 258.27
- 486.09
- 713.91
- 1169.55
- 1200.
Minor Hexatonic (approximated from Meantone in 12edo)
- 227.82
- 258.27
- 486.09
- 713.91
- 972.18
- 1200.
Mixolydian Pentatonic (approximated from Meantone in 12edo)
- 455.64
- 486.09
- 713.91
- 972.18
- 1200.
Blues Aeolian Pentatonic (approximated from Meantone in 12edo)
- 258.27
- 486.09
- 713.91
- 744.36
- 1200.
Blues Aeolian Pentatonic II (approximated from Meantone in 12edo)
- 258.27
- 713.91
- 744.36
- 972.18
- 1200.
Blues Harmonic Hexatonic (approximated from Meantone in 12edo)
- 227.82
- 258.27
- 486.09
- 713.91
- 1169.55
- 1200.
Hirajoshi (approximated from Meantone in 12edo)
- 227.82
- 258.27
- 713.91
- 744.36
- 1200.
Adrift Pentachordal (this is the original/default tuning)
- 197.37
- 258.27
- 683.46
- 713.91
- 1200.