List of 47-odd-limit intervals
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The 47-odd-limit. Whoa.
Here is a list of the intervals within the octave belonging to the 47-odd limit -- that is, intervals between 1/1 and 2/1 which contain no odd numbers greater than 47. It is organized by interval category according to the Schulter System outlined in Regions of the Interval Spectrum.
Pure Unison (0 cents)
ratio | cents value |
1/1 | 0 |
Commas (0-30 cents)
None within the 47-odd limit.
Dieses (30-60 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
48/47 | 36.448 | 47 |
47/46 | 37.232 | 47 |
46/45 | 38.051 | 23 |
45/44 | 38.906 | 11 |
44/43 | 39.800 | 43 |
43/42 | 40.737 | 43 |
42/41 | 41.719 | 41 |
41/40 | 42.749 | 41 |
40/39 | 43.831 | 13 |
39/38 | 44.970 | 19 |
38/37 | 46/169 | 37 |
37/36 | 47.434 | 37 |
36/35 | 48.770 | 7 |
35/34 | 50.184 | 17 |
34/33 | 51.682 | 17 |
33/32 | 53.273 | 11 |
32/31 | 54.964 | 31 |
31/30 | 56.767 | 31 |
30/29 | 58.692 | 29 |
Minor Seconds (60-125 cents)
Small Minor Seconds (60-80 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
29/28 | 60.751 | 29 |
28/27 | 62.961 | 7 |
27/26 | 65.337 | 13 |
26/25 | 67.900 | 13 |
25/24 | 70.672 | 5 |
24/23 | 73.681 | 23 |
47/45 | 75.283 | 47 |
23/22 | 76.956 | 23 |
45/43 | 78.706 | 43 |
Middle Minor Seconds (80-100 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
22/21 | 80.537 | 11 |
43/41 | 82.455 | 43 |
21/20 | 84.467 | 7 |
41/39 | 86.580 | 41 |
20/19 | 88.801 | 19 |
39/37 | 91.139 | 37 |
19/18 | 93.603 | 19 |
37/35 | 96.204 | 37 |
18/17 | 98.955 | 17 |
Large Minor Seconds (100-125 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
35/33 | 101.867 | 11 |
17/16 | 104.955 | 17 |
50/47 | 107.121 | 47 |
33/31 | 108.237 | 31 |
16/15 = 48/45 | 111.731 | 5 |
47/44 | 114.189 | 47 |
31/29 | 115.458 | 31 |
46/43 | 116.757 | 43 |
15/14 = 45/42 | 119.443 | 7 |
44/41 | 122.256 | 41 |
29/27 | 123.712 | 29 |
Central or Zalzalian Seconds (formerly Neutral Seconds) (125-170 cents)
Small Central Seconds (125-135 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
43/40 | 125.204 | 43 |
14/13 = 42/39 | 128.298 | 13 |
41/38 | 131.549 | 41 |
27/25 | 133.238 | 5 |
40/37 | 134.970 | 37 |
Middle Central Seconds (135-160 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
13/12 = 39/36 | 138.573 | 13 |
38/35 | 142.373 | 19 |
25/23 | 144.353 | 23 |
37/34 | 146.389 | 37 |
12/11 = 36/33 | 150.637 | 11 |
47/43 | 153.989 | 47 |
35/32 | 155.140 | 7 |
23/21 | 157.493 | 23 |
34/31 | 159.920 | 31 |
Large Central Seconds (160-170 cents)
Beginning of Equable Heptatonic Region (160-182 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
45/41 | 161.161 | 41 |
11/10 = 33/30 | 165.004 | 11 |
43/39 | 169.035 | 43 |
End of Large Central Seconds Region, continuation of Equable Heptatonic Region
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
32/29 | 170.423 | 29 |
21/19 | 173.268 | 19 |
52/47 | 175.021 | 47 |
31/28 | 176.210 | 31 |
41/37 | 177.718 | 41 |
End of Equable Heptatonic Region.
Major Seconds (180-240 cents)
Small Major Seconds (180-200 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
10/9 = 30/27 = 50/45 | 182.404 | 5 |
39/35 | 187.343 | 13 |
29/26 | 189.050 | 29 |
19/17 | 192.558 | 19 |
47/42 | 194.726 | 47 |
28/25 | 196.198 | 7 |
37/33 | 198.071 | 37 |
46/41 | 199.212 | 41 |
Middle Major Seconds (200-220 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
9/8 = 27/24 = 45/40 | 203.910 | 3 |
44/39 | 208.835 | 13 |
35/31 | 210.104 | 31 |
26/23 | 212.253 | 23 |
43/38 | 214.005 | 43 |
17/15 | 216.687 | 17 |
42/37 | 219.437 | 37 |
Large Major Seconds (220-240 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
25/22 | 221.309 | 11 |
33/29 | 223.696 | 29 |
41/36 | 225.152 | 41 |
8/7 = 24/21 = 40/35 | 231.174 | 7 |
47/41 | 236.444 | 47 |
39/34 | 237.527 | 17 |
31/27 | 239.171 | 31 |
Interseptimal Region (M2-m3) (240-260 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
54/47 | 240.358 | 47 |
23/20 | 241.961 | 23 |
38/33 | 244.240 | 19 |
15/13 = 45/39 | 247.741 | 13 |
52/45 | 250.304 | 13 |
37/32 | 251.344 | 37 |
22/19 | 253.805 | 19 |
29/25 | 256.950 | 29 |
36/31 | 258.874 | 31 |
Minor Thirds (260-330 cents)
Small Minor Thirds (260-280 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
43/37 | 260.174 | 43 |
50/43 | 261.110 | 43 |
7/6 = 21/18 = 35/30 | 266.871 | 7 |
48/41 | 272.893 | 41 |
41/35 | 273.923 | 41 |
34/29 | 275.378 | 29 |
27/23 | 277.591 | 23 |
47/40 | 279.193 | 47 |
Middle Minor Thirds (280-300 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
20/17 | 281.358 | 17 |
33/28 | 284.447 | 11 |
46/39 | 285.792 | 23 |
13/11 = 39/33 | 289.210 | 13 |
45/38 | 292.711 | 19 |
32/27 | 294.135 | 3 |
19/16 | 297.513 | 19 |
44/37 | 299.974 | 37 |
Large Minor Thirds (300-330 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
25/21 | 301.847 | 7 |
56/47 | 303.319 | 47 |
31/26 | 304.508 | 31 |
37/31 | 306.308 | 37 |
43/36 | 307.608 | 43 |
6/5 = 18/15 = 30/25 = 42/35 = 54/45 | 315.641 | 5 |
47/39 | 323.024 | 47 |
41/34 | 324.107 | 41 |
35/29 | 325.562 | 29 |
29/24 | 327.622 | 29 |
52/43 | 329.010 | 43 |
Central or Zalzalian Thirds (formerly Neutral Thirds) (330-372 cents)
Small Central Thirds (330-342 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
23/19 | 330.761 | 23 |
40/33 | 333.041 | 11 |
17/14 | 336.130 | 17 |
45/37 | 338.880 | 37 |
28/23 | 340.552 | 23 |
Middle Central Thirds (342-360 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
39/32 | 342.483 | 13 |
50/41 | 343.565 | 41 |
11/9 = 33/27 | 347.408 | 11 |
38/31 | 352.477 | 31 |
27/22 | 354.547 | 11 |
43/35 | 356.378 | 43 |
16/13 = 48/39 | 359.472 | 13 |
Large Central Thirds (360-372 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
37/30 | 363.075 | 37 |
58/47 | 364.071 | 47 |
21/17 | 365.825 | 17 |
47/38 | 367.994 | 47 |
26/21 | 369.747 | 13 |
Major Thirds (372-440 cents)
Small Major Thirds (372-400 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
31/25 | 372.408 | 31 |
36/29 | 374.333 | 29 |
41/33 | 375.789 | 41 |
46/37 | 376.930 | 37 |
56/45 | 378.602 | 7 |
5/4 = 15/12 = 25/20 = 35/28 = 45/36 | 386.314 | 5 |
54/43 | 394.347 | 43 |
44/35 | 396.178 | 11 |
39/31 | 397.447 | 31 |
34/27 | 399.090 | 17 |
Middle Major Thirds (400-423 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
29/23 | 401.303 | 29 |
24/19 | 404.442 | 19 |
43/34 | 406.562 | 43 |
19/15 | 409.244 | 19 |
52/41 | 411.465 | 41 |
33/26 | 412.745 | 13 |
47/37 | 414.163 | 47 |
14/11 = 42/33 | 417.508 | 11 |
37/29 | 421.767 | 37 |
60/47 | 422.762 | 47 |
Large Major Thirds (423-440 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
23/18 | 424.364 | 23 |
32/25 | 427.373 | 5 |
41/32 | 429.062 | 41 |
50/39 | 430.145 | 13 |
9/7 = 27/21 = 45/35 | 435.084 | 7 |
58/45 | 439.353 | 29 |
Interseptimal Region (M3-4) (440-468 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
40/31 | 441.278 | 31 |
31/24 | 443.081 | 31 |
22/17 | 446.363 | 17 |
35/27 | 449.275 | 7 |
48/37 | 450.611 | 37 |
13/10 = 39/30 | 454.214 | 13 |
56/43 | 457.308 | 43 |
43/33 | 458.245 | 43 |
30/23 | 459.994 | 23 |
47/36 | 461.597 | 47 |
17/13 | 464.428 | 17 |
38/29 | 467.936 | 29 |
Perfect Fourths (468-528 cents)
Small Perfect Fourths (468-491 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
21/16 | 470.781 | 7 |
46/35 | 473.135 | 23 |
25/19 | 475.114 | 19 |
54/41 | 476.803 | 41 |
29/22 | 478.259 | 29 |
62/47 | 479.529 | 47 |
33/25 | 480.646 | 11 |
37/28 | 482.518 | 37 |
41/31 | 484.027 | 41 |
45/34 | 485.268 | 17 |
Middle Perfect Fourths (491-505 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
4/3 = 12/9 = 20/15 = 36/27 = 36/27 = 44/33 = 52/39 = 60/45 | 498.045 | 3 |
Large Perfect Fourths (505-528 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
47/35 | 510.367 | 47 |
43/32 | 511.518 | 43 |
39/29 | 512.905 | 29 |
35/26 | 514.612 | 13 |
31/23 | 516.761 | 31 |
58/43 | 518.059 | 43 |
27/20 | 519.551 | 5 |
50/37 | 521.283 | 37 |
23/17 | 523.319 | 23 |
42/31 | 525.745 | 31 |
Superfourths (528-560 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
19/14 | 528.687 | 19 |
34/25 | 532.328 | 17 |
64/47 | 534.493 | 47 |
15/11 = 45/33 | 536.951 | 11 |
56/41 | 539.764 | 41 |
41/30 | 540.794 | 41 |
26/19 | 543.015 | 19 |
37/27 | 545.479 | 37 |
48/35 | 546.815 | 7 |
11/8 = 33/24 | 551.318 | 11 |
62/45 | 554.812 | 31 |
40/29 | 556.737 | 29 |
29/21 | 558.796 | 29 |
47/34 | 560.551 | 47 |
Tritonic Region (560-640 cents)
Small Tritones (560-577 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
18/13 = 54/39 | 563.382 | 13 |
43/31 | 566.382 | 43 |
25/18 | 568.717 | 5 |
32/23 | 571.726 | 23 |
39/28 | 573.657 | 13 |
46/33 | 575.001 | 23 |
60/43 | 576.751 | 43 |
Middle Tritones (577-623 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
7/5 = 21/15 = 35/25 | 582.512 | 7 |
66/47 | 587.766 | 47 |
52/37 | 589.184 | 37 |
45/32 | 590.224 | 5 |
38/27 | 591.648 | 19 |
31/22 | 593.718 | 31 |
24/17 | 597.000 | 17 |
41/29 | 599.485 | 41 |
58/41 | 600.515 | 41 |
17/12 | 603.000 | 17 |
44/31 | 606.282 | 31 |
27/19 | 608.352 | 19 |
64/45 | 609.776 | 5 |
37/26 | 610.816 | 37 |
47/33 | 612.234 | 47 |
10/7 = 30/21 = 50/35 | 617.488 | 7 |
Large Tritones (623-640 cents)
ratio | cents value | prime limit |
43/30 | 623.249 | 43 |
33/23 | 624.999 | 23 |
56/39 | 626.343 | 13 |
23/16 | 628.274 | 23 |
36/25 | 631.283 | 5 |
62/43 | 633.518 | 43 |
13/9 = 39/27 | 636.618 | 13 |
68/47 | 639.449 | 47 | be continued...