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← 1afdo 2afdo 3afdo →
Prime factorization 2 (prime)
Fifth 3/2 (701.955c)

2afdo (arithmetic frequency division of the octave), or 2odo (otonal division of the octave), if the attempt is made to use it as an actual tuning system, would divide the octave into two arithmetically equal parts. It is a superset of 1afdo (equivalent to 1edo) and a subset of 3afdo. It is equivalent to 2ifdo (2 inverse-arithmetic frequency divisions of the octave), and to the monowood mos scale tuned to the just perfect fifth or just perfect fourth. As a scale it may also be known as mode 2 of the harmonic series or the Over-2 scale. The only non-trivial intervals are the just perfect fifth 3/2, since 3/2 is arithmetically halfway between 1/1 and 2/1, and its octave complement 4/3.


# Cents Ratio Decimal Interval name Audio
0 0.0 1/1 1.0000 perfect unison
1 702.0 3/2 1.5000 just perfect fifth
2 1200.0 2/1 2.0000 perfect octave