28th-octave temperaments

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Oquatonic (5-limit)

For higher-limits, see Horwell temperaments #Oquatonic and No-elevens subgroup temperaments #Oquatonic.

Subgroup: 2.3.5

Comma list: [-65 0 28

Mapping[28 0 65], 0 1 0]]

mapping generators: ~128/125, ~3

Optimal tunings:

  • CTE: ~128/125 = 42.857, ~3/2 = 701.955
  • CWE: ~128/125 = 42.857, ~3/2 = 701.819

Optimal ET sequence28, 56, 84, 140, 224, 2324cc, 2548cc, …, 3220bccc

Badness (Smith): 0.790

VTEFractional-octave temperaments 