15edo/Interval names

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If you haven't made an interval naming system yet, make one and add a column when you finish your notation system!

Steps Cents Aaron's Answer Igs' Input Keenan Category Margo's Method Piotr Grochowski SagiSpeak Ups and Downs Lilly's List Ordway's Order Ratios
0 0 P1 Unison P1 Unison unison P1 P1, m2 P1 P1 1/1
1 80 m2 Subminor 2nd mi2 Minor 2nd augmented unison pai-P1 ^1, ^m2 K1 m2 25/24, 21/20, 16/15, 22/21
2 160 NM2 (Narrow M2) Neutral 2nd Mi2 Large Neutral 2nd high neutral second pao-M2 vM2 kM2 M2 11/10, 12/11, 10/9
3 240 LM2 Supermajor 2nd Ai2/di3 Large Major 2nd second–third M2 M2, m3 SM2/sm3 S2/s3 8/7, 7/6, 9/8
4 320 Lm3 Minor 3rd mi3 Large Minor 3rd minor third pai-m3 ^m3 Km3 m3 6/5, 11/9
5 400 M3 Major 3rd Mi3 Major 3rd major third pao-M3 vM3 kM3 M3 5/4, 14/11
6 480 S4 (Small 4) Sub 4th P4 Small Perfect 4th low fourth P4 M3, P4, d5 SM3/s4 P4 4/3, 9/7, 21/16
7 560 Na4/Sd5 Narrow Tritone Ai4 Small Tritone low augmented fourth pai-P4 ^4, ^d5 K4 m4 11/8, 7/5
8 640 La4/Wd5 Wide Tritone di5 Large Tritone high diminished fifth pao-P5 vA4, v5 k5 M5 16/11, 10/7
9 720 L5 Super 5th P5 Large Perfect 5th high fifth P5 A4, P5, m6 S5/sm6 P5 3/2, 14/9, 32/21
10 800 m6 Minor 6th mi6 Minor 6th minor sixth pai-m6 ^5, ^m6 Km6 m6 8/5, 11/7
11 880 SM6 Major 6th Mi6 Small Major 6th major sixth pao-M6 vA5, vM6 kM6 M6 5/3, 18/11
12 960 SM7 Subminor 7th Ai6/di7 Small Minor 7th sixth–seventh m7 M6, m7 SM6/sm7 S6/s7 7/4, 12/7, 16/9
13 1040 Wm7 Neutral 7th mi7 Small Neutral 7th low neutral seventh pai-m7 ^m7 Km7 m7 20/11, 11/6, 9/5
14 1120 M7 Supermajor 7th Mi7 Major 7th diminished octave pao-P8 vM7, v8 kM7 M7 48/25, 40/21, 15/8, 21/11
15 1200 P8 Octave P8 Octave octave P8 M7, P8 P8 P8 2/1