User:CompactStar/Lefts and rights notation

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Lefts and rights notation is a notation for just intonation developed by CompactStar. It is a combination of Pythagorean notation and a sequence of lefts and rights which is based on a binary search.


In order to map all intervals into Pythagorean intervals, each prime harmonic is mapped to the lowest-complexity Pythagorean interval that is within √(2187/2048) of it (this is similar to the algorithm used by the Functional Just System). Here are some examples for smaller primes:

Prime harmonic Category
2/1 P8 perfect octave C
3/2 P5 perfect fifth G
5/4 M3 major third E
7/4 m7 minor seventh Bb
11/8 P4 perfect fourth F
13/8 m6 minor sixth Ab
17/16 m2 minor second Db
19/16 m3 minor third Eb
23/16 A4 augmented fourth F#
29/16 m7 minor seventh Bb
31/16 P8 perfect octave C
37/32 M2 major second D
41/32 M3 major third E
43/32 P4 perfect fourth F
47/32 P5 perfect fifth G
53/32 M6 major sixth A
59/32 M7 major seventh B
61/32 M7 major seventh B

Pythagorean intervals do not use any lefts or rights. The left (L) interval in a given category is the simplest (with respect to Tenney height) interval which is flatter than the Pythagorean version. For example, the leftminor third is 7/6. Similarly, the right (R) interval in a category is the simplest one that is sharper than the Pythagorean version (for minor thirds this is 6/5). After this, the types split up into 4 using 2 lefts and rights:

  • The leftleft (LL) interval is the simplest which is flatter than the left interval. For minor thirds: 43/37
  • The leftright (LR) interval is the simplest which is between the left interval and the Pythagorean interval. For minor thirds: 13/11
  • The rightleft (RL) interval is the simplest which is between the Pythagorean interval and the right interval. For minor thirds: 19/16
  • The rightright (RR) interval is the simplest which is sharper than the right interval. For minor thirds: 11/9

And then using 3 lefts and rights:

  • The leftleftleft (LLL) interval is the simplest which is flatter than the leftleft interval.
  • The leftleftright (LLR) interval is the simplest which is between the leftleft interval and the left interval.
  • The leftrightleft (LRL) interval is the simplest which is between the left interval and the leftright interval. For minor thirds: 20/17
  • The leftrightright (LRR) interval is the simplest which is between the leftright interval and the Pythagorean interval. For minor thirds: 77/65
  • The rightleftleft (RLL) interval is the simplest which is between the Pythagorean interval and the rightleft interval. For minor thirds: 51/43
  • The rightleftright (RLR) interval is the simplest which is between the rightleft and the right interval.
  • The rightrightleft (RRL) interval is the simplest which is between the right interval and the rightright interval. For minor thirds: 17/14
  • The rightrightright (RRR) interval is the simplest which is sharper than the rightright interval. For minor thirds: 38/31

And so on. This sort of binary search can be applied for an arbitrary number of lefts and rights to name all just intervals in a category.