Shoal[17] is the 17-tone MOS scale for the shoal temperament.
Scala file
This uses the symmetrical mode of Shoal[17].
! shoal17.scl ! Created using Scale Workshop 3.1.0 ! ! ! Shoal17 17 ! 73.566 138.695 212.261 285.827 350.956 424.522 498.088 563.217 636.783 701.912 775.478 849.044 914.173 987.739 1061.305 1126.434 2/1
Approximations of JI
These use the symmetrical mode of Shoal[17].
Steps | Cents | subgroup | Others |
1 | 73.566 | 24/23 | 25/24, 23/22 |
2 | 138.695 | 13/12 | |
3 | 212.261 | 26/23 | 17/15 |
4 | 285.827 | 46/39 | 7/6, 13/11 |
5 | 350.956 | 207/169 | 11/9 |
6 | 424.522 | 23/18 | 9/7 |
7 | 498.088 | 4/3 | |
8 | 563.217 | 18/13 | 11/8 |
9 | 636.783 | 13/9 | |
10 | 701.912 | 3/2 | |
11 | 775.478 | 36/23 | 11/7, 25/16 |
12 | 849.044 | 338/207 | 18/11 |
13 | 914.173 | 39/23 | 17/10, 22/13 |
14 | 987.739 | 23/13 | 7/4 |
15 | 1061.305 | 24/13 | 11/6 |
16 | 1126.434 | 23/12 | 21/11 |
17 | 1200.000 | 2/1 |
Up to 10 tones/octave
Algal bloom scale (shoal[17] is the original/default tuning for this scale)
- 73.566
- 350.956
- 498.088
- 701.912
- 987.739
- 1200.000
Antipental blues scale (approximated from dwarf17marv)
- 285.827
- 498.088
- 563.217
- 701.912
- 987.739
- 1200.000
Diffractive scale (shoal[17] is the original/default tuning for this scale)
- 73.566
- 285.827
- 636.783
- 701.912
- 1200.000
Diffractive tetrad (shoal[17] is the original/default tuning for this scale)
- 285.827
- 636.783
- 701.912
- 1200.000
Driftwood scale (shoal[17] is the original/default tuning for this scale)
- 138.695
- 498.088
- 636.783
- 987.739
- 1200.000
Minor hexatonic scale (approximated from 12edo)
- 212.261
- 285.827
- 498.088
- 701.912
- 987.739
- 1200.000
Minor pentatonic scale (approximated from 12edo)
- 285.827
- 498.088
- 701.912
- 987.739
- 1200.000
Quasi-otonal pentad (approximated from 8afdo)
- 424.522
- 563.217
- 701.912
- 987.739
- 1200.000
Refractive scale (shoal[17] is the original/default tuning for this scale)
- 285.827
- 701.912
- 775.478
- 1061.305
- 1200.000
Refractive tetrad (shoal[17] is the original/default tuning for this scale)
- 701.912
- 775.478
- 1061.305
- 1200.000
Roughened blues dorian pentatonic scale (approximated from compton in 96edo)
- 285.827
- 701.912
- 914.173
- 987.739
- 1200.000
Sharpened blues dorian hexatonic scale (approximated from compton in 96edo)
- 285.827
- 498.088
- 701.912
- 914.173
- 987.739
- 1200.000
Shoal17 over-9 tetrad (shoal[17] is the original/default tuning for this scale)
- 498.088
- 636.783
- 987.739
- 1200.000
Over 10 tones/octave
Shoal quasi-chromatic (approximated from 12edo; has 12 tones/octave so it maps nicely onto a piano keyboard)
- 73.566
- 212.261
- 285.827
- 424.522
- 498.088
- 563.217
- 701.912
- 775.478
- 914.173
- 987.739
- 1126.434
- 1200.000
These can be used for a polytriadic approach. Any triad from shoal[17] can be used, so there are a huge number of possibilities, many more than can be listed here. These are just a small sampling of examples to start from.
These use the symmetrical mode of Shoal[17].
24/23-3/2-2/1 triad
- 73.566
- 701.912
- 1200.000
13/12-3/2-2/1 triad
- 138.695
- 701.912
- 1200.000
13/12-4/3-2/1 triad
- 138.695
- 498.088
- 1200.000
9/8 (26/23)-3/2-2/1 triad
- 212.261
- 701.912
- 1200.000
9/8 (26/23)-4/3-2/1 triad
- 212.261
- 498.088
- 1200.000
46/39-3/2-2/1 triad
- 285.827
- 701.912
- 1200.000
23/18-3/2-2/1 triad
- 424.522
- 701.912
- 1200.000
4/3-3/2-2/1 triad
- 498.088
- 701.912
- 1200.000
18/13-3/2-2/1 triad
- 563.217
- 701.912
- 1200.000
4/3-13/9-2/1 triad
- 498.088
- 636.783
- 1200.000
4/3-36/23-2/1 triad
- 498.088
- 775.478
- 1200.000
3/2-36/23-2/1 triad
- 701.912
- 775.478
- 1200.000
3/2-13/8-2/1 triad
- 701.912
- 849.044
- 1200.000
4/3-13/8-2/1 triad
- 498.088
- 849.044
- 1200.000
3/2-39/23-2/1 triad
- 701.912
- 914.173
- 1200.000
3/2-16/9 (23/13)-2/1 triad
- 701.912
- 987.739
- 1200.000
3/2-24/13-2/1 triad
- 701.912
- 1061.305
- 1200.000
3/2-23/12-2/1 triad
- 701.912
- 1126.434
- 1200.000