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This is the 7-limit 27-tone MOS of sensi temperament. (TOP tuning.) Scale degrees are given in cents.
- 49.89
- 81.20
- 131.09
- 180.98
- 230.87
- 262.18
- 312.07
- 361.96
- 393.27
- 443.16
- 493.05
- 524.36
- 574.25
- 624.14
- 674.03
- 705.34
- 755.23
- 805.12
- 836.43
- 886.32
- 936.21
- 967.52
- 1017.41
- 1067.30
- 1117.19
- 1148.50
- 1198.39
Blues minor smooth (approximated from 12edo)
- 312.07
- 493.05
- 574.25
- 705.34
- 1017.41
- 1198.39
Blues minor fierce (approximated from 12edo)
- 312.07
- 493.05
- 624.14
- 705.34
- 1017.41
- 1198.39
Blues Dorian heptatonic (approximated from 12edo)
- 312.07
- 493.05
- 574.25
- 705.34
- 886.32
- 1017.41
- 1198.39
Lost spirit (approximated from Meantone[19] in 31edo)
- 312.07
- 493.05
- 624.14
- 705.34
- 936.21
- 1017.41
- 1198.39
Blues leading heptatonic (approximated from 12edo)
- 312.07
- 493.05
- 624.14
- 705.34
- 1017.41
- 1117.19
- 1198.39
Blues harmonic heptatonic (approximated from 12edo)
- 312.07
- 493.05
- 574.25
- 705.34
- 805.12
- 1117.19
- 1198.39
Sensi[19] (see Sensi19 for a different tuning of this same scale)
- 49.89
- 131.09
- 180.98
- 262.18
- 312.07
- 393.27
- 443.16
- 493.05
- 574.25
- 624.14
- 705.34
- 755.23
- 805.12
- 886.32
- 936.21
- 1017.41
- 1067.30
- 1148.50
- 1198.39