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This page on a regular temperament, temperament collection, or aspect of regular temperament theory is under the jurisdiction of WikiProject TempClean and is being revised for clarity.

Miaplacidus is a tritave-repeating rank-2 temperament that tempers out the comma 5859375/5764801 in the 3.5.7 subgroup, the amount by which 4 15/7's exceed 9/7. It thus tunes the chord 7:9:15 accurately. Having a generator of ~15/7, it possesses MOS scales of the families 3L 4s<3/1>, 3L 7s<3/1>, 3L 10s<3/1>, and 13L 3s<3/1>. Good tunings for this temperament are 13edt, 16edt, and 29edt.

Interval chain (POTE tuning)

Generators up Cents Generators down Cents
0 0.00 0 0.00
1 1316.10 1 585.86
2 730.24 2 1171.72
3 144.38 3 1757.58
4 1460.48 4 441.48
5 874.62 5 1027.34

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