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Huxley is the temperament where 512/507 and 1352/1331 vanish. It is an extension of lovecraft, the 4 & 13 2.11.13 subgroup temperament, to include prime 3.

Its POTE generator is 282.4139 cents, almost exactly 4 steps of 17edo (282.3529 cents). As such, 17edo may be considered the ideal equal temperament in which to use it. Other edos that support it are 4, 13, 21, 30, 38e, and 47b.

It has moments of symmetry at 4, 9, 13, and 17 notes, and bears a tangential melodic relationship to orwell in that its 9-note mos has 4 large and 5 small steps.

It was discovered and named by Deja Igliashon.

See No-fives subgroup temperaments #Huxley for technical data.

Interval chain

In the following table, odd harmonics 1–13 are bolded.

# Cents* Approximate Ratios
0 0.0 1/1
1 282.7 13/11
2 565.5 11/8
3 848.2 13/8
4 1130.9 64/33
5 213.6 44/39
6 496.4 4/3
7 779.1 52/33
8 1061.8 11/6
9 144.5 13/12

* in CTE tuning