Diminished (temperament)

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Diminished is a rank-2 temperament that tempers out the diminished comma, 648/625, in the 5-limit, and 36/35 and 50/49 in the 7-limit. It has a 1/4-octave period and is generated by a ~3/2 perfect fifth. The main interest in this temperament is in its mos scales, featuring tetrawood (4L 4s) when properly tuned. 12edo is an obvious tuning. Other possible tunings include 16edo and 28edo.

See Dimipent family #Diminished for technical data.

Interval chain

In the following table, odd harmonics 1–9 are in bold.

# Period 0 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3
Cents* Approx. Ratios Cents* Approx. Ratios Cents* Approx. Ratios Cents* Approx. Ratios
0 0.0 1/1 300.0 6/5, 7/6 600.0 7/5, 10/7 900.0 5/3, 12/7
1 92.0 15/14, 21/20, 25/24, 49/48 392.0 5/4, 9/7 692.0 3/2 992.0 7/4, 9/5
2 183.9 9/8 483.9 21/16 783.9 45/28, 63/40 1083.9 15/8

* in 7-limit CTE tuning



Prime-optimized tunings

  • 5-limit
    • CTE: ~6/5 = 1\4, ~3/2 = 696.9833
    • CWE: ~6/5 = 1\4, ~3/2 = 698.2661
  • 7-limit
    • CTE: ~6/5 = 1\4, ~3/2 = 691.9545
    • CWE: ~6/5 = 1\4, ~3/2 = 695.9618


  • 5-limit DKW: ~6/5 = 1\4, ~3/2 = 690.289

Tuning spectrum

Generator (¢) Comments
2\4 600.000 Lower bound of 7-odd-limit diamond monotone
49/48 635.697
7/4 668.826
25/24 670.672 1/2-comma
9\16 675.000
21/20 684.467
21/16 685.390
5/4 686.314 1/4-comma
15/8 694.134 1/8-comma
7\12 700.000 9-odd-limit diamond monotone (singleton)
3/2 701.955 Untempered
9/5 717.596 -1/4-comma
15/14 719.443
9/7 735.084
5\8 750.000 8d val, upper bound of 7-odd-limit diamond monotone

* besides the octave

See also