Archytas–chromatic equivalence continuum

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The Archytas–chromatic equivalence continuum, or septimal–chromatic equivalence continuum, is a continuum of 7-limit temperaments which equate a number of Archytas commas (64/63) with the Pythagorean apotome (2187/2048).

All temperaments in the continuum satisfy (64/63)n ~ 2187/2048. Varying n results in different temperaments listed in the table below. It converges to archy as n approaches infinity. The just value of n is 4.169771, and temperaments near this tend to be the most accurate ones.

Temperaments in the continuum
n Temperament Comma
Ratio Monzo
0 Whitewood 2187/2048 [-11 7
1 Flattone 137781/131072 [-17 9 0 1
2 8680203/8388608 [-23 11 0 2
3 546852789/536870912 [-29 13 0 3
4 Schismatic
34451725707/34359738368 [-35 15 0 4
416 [very long] [-216 92 0 25
Archy 64/63 [6 -2 -1