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← 7979edo 7980edo 7981edo →
Prime factorization 22 × 3 × 5 × 7 × 19
Step size 0.150376¢ 
Fifth 4668\7980 (701.955¢) (→389\665)
Semitones (A1:m2) 756:600 (113.7¢ : 90.23¢)
Consistency limit 9
Distinct consistency limit 9

7980EDO is the equal division of the octave into 7980 parts of exact 0.1503759 cents each. It is a very strong 5-limit system, tempering out |161 -84 -12> (Kirnberger's atom) and |-1054 665> (satanic comma), as well as |73 77 -84> and |234 -7 -96>. In the 7-limit, it tempers out 78125000/78121827, 140737488355328/140710042265625, and |-17 50 1 -23>. Using the patent val, it tempers out 9801/9800, 47265625/47258883, 39630026842637/39627113103360, and 163470238547968/163443018796875 in the 11-limit.

Icon-Todo.png Todo: improve synopsis