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← 2ed5/3 3ed5/3 4ed5/3 →
Prime factorization 3 (prime)
Step size 294.786¢ 
Octave 4\3ed5/3 (1179.14¢)
Twelfth 6\3ed5/3 (1768.72¢) (→2\1ed5/3)
Consistency limit 4
Distinct consistency limit 2

3ed5/3 is the equal division of the just major sixth into three parts of 294.8 cents each.


# Cents Approximate ratios
0 0.0 1/1
1 294.8 13/11, 6/5, 19/16
2 589.6 7/5, 45/32
3 884.5 5/3