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← 10ed511ed512ed5 →
Prime factorization 11 (prime)
Step size 253.301¢ 
Octave 5\11ed5 (1266.51¢)
Twelfth 8\11ed5 (2026.41¢)
Consistency limit 3
Distinct consistency limit 2

11ED5 is the equal division of the 5th harmonic into 11 parts of 252.3012 cents each. It is related to the godzilla temperament, which tempers out 49/48, 81/80, and 91/90 in the subgroup.

degree cents value corresponding
JI intervals
0 0.0000 exact 1/1
1 253.3012 8/7, 15/13, 7/6
2 506.6025 4/3
3 759.9037 14/9
4 1013.2050 9/5
5 1266.5062 27/13, 25/12, 21/10
6 1519.8075 12/5
7 1773.1087 14/5
8 2026.4100 16/5, 13/4
9 2279.7112 15/4
10 2533.0125 30/7, 13/3, 35/8
11 2786.3137 exact 5/1 just major third plus two octaves