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← 10afdo 11afdo 12afdo →
Prime factorization 11 (prime)
Dual sharp fifth 17/11 (753.637c)
Dual flat fifth 16/11 (648.682c)

11afdo (arithmetic frequency division of the octave), or 11odo (otonal division of the octave), divides the octave into eleven parts of 1/11 each. It is a superset of 10afdo and a subset of 12afdo. As a scale it may be known as mode 11 of the harmonic series or the Over-11 scale. As 11 is a small odd number, this AFDO does not contain a perfect fifth above the root, although it does contain a 16/11 subfifth and a 17/11 ultrafifth / inframinor sixth.

File:11afdo notes.jpg


# Cents Ratio Decimal Interval name Audio
0 0 1/1 1.0000 perfect unison
1 150.63 12/11 1.0909 small whole tone
2 289.21 13/11 1.1818 tridecimal minor third
3 417.51 14/11 1.2727 undecimal major third
4 536.95 15/11 1.3636 undecimal augmented fourth
5 648.68 16/11 1.4545 undecimal subfifth
6 753.64 17/11 1.5455 septendecimal subminor sixth
7 852.59 18/11 1.6364 undecimal neutral sixth
8 946.20 19/11 1.7273 undevicesimal semitwelfth
9 1035.00 20/11 1.8182 undecimal supraminor seventh
10 1119.46 21/11 1.9091 undecimal major seventh
11 1200.00 2/1 2.000 perfect octave