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How to fit a scale to a scale of particular structure (say, equal-step tuning, MOS scale etc.).

This is eternal work in progress.

Any periodic scale

The methods here may be applicable to aperiodic scales specifiable with finite data (like “aperiodic MOS scales”[1]) but I’m not considering them yet.

To edX

We’ll consider that periods of an initial scale and an N-ed it’s matched to are the same, but they needn’t be. Let [math]X[/math], the period of both, be specified in cents or other logarithmic units, as all other intervals.

Let’s say k-steps from a given note upwards are [math]0 = I_0 \lt I_1 \lt \ldots \lt I_m = X[/math].

A step of N-edX is [math]S := X/N[/math], so now we round [math]I_k[/math] to integer multiples [math]S[/math] to get their equalized variants:

[math]E_k := \mathsf{round}(s I_k) / s[/math][2].

Then we can get errors of this approximation as [math]\Delta_k := I_k - E_k[/math]. Note that always [math]-\frac S2 \le \Delta_k \le +\frac S2[/math] but the largest negative error and the largest positive error might not be “balanced” and sum to zero, nor any other measure of well-fitting might be minimized: all because we fixed ourselves to necessarily fit one of the notes exactly ([math]I_0[/math] being exactly zero). We can fix that by subtracting the average [math]d[/math] of all [math]\Delta_k[/math] that we are interested in (arithmetic mean, RMS or something else), or, in the simplest case of minimizing the largest absolute error attained, subtract [math]d := \frac12(\min_k \Delta_k + \max_k \Delta_k)[/math].

Then, [math]E_k[/math] is still our true fit of [math]I_k[/math] in case of our average being the last case, arithmetic mean, RMS and several other kinds of averagings because we’ll still have [math]-\frac S2 \le \Delta_k - d \le +\frac S2[/math].

To a periodic scale with specific step pattern

If we have a pattern of steps in mind, say sLMLsLMsML, we can try fitting a scale to a scale of this form by writing an error term for each note in the period of the new scale. These terms will be integer linear combinations of our chosen step sizes [math]s, M, L[/math], an overal scale shift [math]d[/math] (see #To edX) and numbers (cent values of intervals).

Having all those errors in symbolic form, it’s particularly easy to minimize RMS error constrained by all steps of the scale constituting exactly the period of the old scale, using Lagrange multiplier method. We end up with a linear system comprising of equations in step sizes, [math]d[/math] and a single Lagrange multiplier related to the periodicity constraint, which is then solved to get the optimal step sizes. All these computations can be done using sympy Python package. In the code below I also use more_itertools to make my life a tad easier.


NB. This code may later be lagging behind the version at Gist. The version there is a self-contained module with an example like one in this article.

Should work in Python 3.12 and several previous versions. Install fresh more_itertools and sympy.

from typing import Sequence
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from fractions import Fraction
from math import log2, isclose, sqrt
from more_itertools import difference
import sympy as sp

def _cents(ratio: float | str) -> float:
    if isinstance(ratio, str):
        ratio = float(Fraction(ratio))
    return 1200. * log2(ratio)

def scale_from_str(intervals: str) -> tuple[float, ...]:
    """Make a scale of pitches in cents from intervals delimited by spaces."""

    return tuple(map(_cents, intervals.split()))

def match_pattern(scale: Sequence[float], pattern: str) -> dict[str, float] | None:
    """Check if the scale matches a given pattern of steps like 'LMsMs'."""

    if len(scale) != len(pattern):
        raise ValueError('scale and pattern should have the same length')
    step_sizes = defaultdict(set)
    for letter, size in zip(pattern, difference(scale), strict=True):
    res = dict()
    for letter, sizes in step_sizes.items():
        mean_size = sum(sizes) / len(sizes)
        if any(not isclose(size, mean_size) for size in sizes):
            return None
        res[letter] = mean_size
    return res

class ScaleFit:
    """Results of a scale fit. RMS error is what’s minimized."""

    pattern: str
    pitches: list[float]
    step_sizes: dict[str, float]
    errors: list[float]
    rms_error: float
    avg_error: float
    max_error: float

def fit_scale(scale: Sequence[float], pattern: str) -> ScaleFit:
    """Fit this scale to a given pattern of steps like 'LMsMs'."""

    assert set(pattern).isdisjoint([SHIFT, LAGRANGE])
    vars_ = {letter: sp.Symbol(letter)
             for letter in set(pattern) | {SHIFT, LAGRANGE}}

    note_errors = [vars_[SHIFT]]
    sym_pitches = [sp.sympify(0)]
    for letter, pitch in zip(pattern, scale):
        last_pitch = sym_pitches[-1] + vars_[letter]
        note_errors.append(vars_[SHIFT] + last_pitch - pitch)

    periodic_constraint = note_errors[-1] - note_errors[0]
    assert len(note_errors) == len(scale)

    error_sqr_sum = sum(error ** 2 for error in note_errors)
    cost = error_sqr_sum - vars_[LAGRANGE] * periodic_constraint
    equations = tuple(cost.diff(x) for x in vars_)
    steps_sol = sp.solve(equations, vars_)
    actual_errors = [float(error.subs(steps_sol)) for error in note_errors]
    rms_error = sqrt(sum(error ** 2 for error in actual_errors)) / len(actual_errors)
    avg_error = sum(abs(error) for error in actual_errors) / len(actual_errors)
    max_error = max(abs(error) for error in actual_errors)

    new_scale = [float(pitch.subs(steps_sol)) for pitch in sym_pitches]
    assert match_pattern(new_scale, pattern)
    return ScaleFit(
        step_sizes={letter: steps_sol[vars_[letter]] for letter in set(pattern)},

This can be used like so:

from pprint import pprint  # more readable output

initial_scale = scale_from_str('33/32 9/8 11/9 4/3 11/8 3/2 44/27 27/16 11/6 2/1')
initial_pattern = 'sLMLsLMzML'
assert match_pattern(initial_scale, initial_pattern)  # just a sanity check

# equalize s and z small steps in the scale:
fit = fit_scale(initial_scale, initial_pattern.replace('z', 's'))

which outputs:

ScaleFit(pattern='sLMLsLMsML', # the new pattern we fit to
         pitches=[56.16718090477973, # scale data
         step_sizes={'L': 148.804041306700, # each step size specifically
                     'M': 145.427430686286,
                     's': 56.1671809047797},
         errors=[-2.0259663722433108, # signed errors for each note compared to the initial scale
         rms_error=0.4545581250243142, # RMS error (optimized for)
         avg_error=1.2348747411767853, # arithmetic mean (absolute) error
         max_error=2.1224409613957675) # maximum (absolute) error

The scale can be printed to be used in an .scl file or similar contexts with this:

print('\n'.join(map(str, fit.pitches)))


  1. for example, infinite Fibonacci words …ABABBABBABABBAB… grown from an L-system {A → B, B → BA}
  2. if there’s no [math]\mathsf{round}(x)[/math] function in your environment, it can be defined as [math]\lfloor x + \frac12 \rfloor - \frac12[/math] using floor [math]\lfloor\ldots\rfloor[/math]; these agree up to cases when [math]x[/math] is exactly a half-odd-integer