User:ArrowHead294/Regex snippets

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These are some regular expressions I use for formatting purposes:

Pattern Replace by Purpose
^(?:\+|-|\x{2212})?(?:(?:\d{1,3}?(?:\,\d{3})*|\d+)\.?\d*|\d*\.?\d+)(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?$ N/A Match a number
(?<=\n*)(=+)\s*([^\r\n\t]+)\s*(=+)(?=\n*) $1 $2 $3 Space out equals signs for section headers*
(?<!(<(\w+-)*\w+>[^\n]*)|\{|\})(?<=\n)(\||!)\s*(?!-|<\/(\w+-)*\w+>|\{|\}) $1  Space out pipe characters and header separators in tables (one cell per line)*
(?<!(?:<(\w+-)*\w+>[^\n]*(?=<\/(\w+-)*\w+>)|\{|\}))[^\S\r\n]*(\|\|\|?|!!!?)[^\S\r\n]*(?!-|[^\n]*<\/(\w+-)*\w+>(?=<(\w+-)*\w+>)|\{|\})  $1  Space out pipe characters and header separators in tables (entire row per line)*
<math>,*\s*\\frac(\d)(\d),*\s*<\/math> {{frac|$1|$2}} or
Standalone fractions with single-digit numerators and denominators can be done using {{frac}} or {{sfrac}} and don't need to be TeXified

* Requires support for variable-length lookaheads and lookbehinds

See also