User:ArrowHead294/Regex snippets

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These are some regular expressions I use for formatting purposes:

ArrowHead294's regular expressions for formatting Wiki markup
Pattern Replace by Purpose
^(?:\+|-|\x{2212})?(?:(?:\d{1,3}(?:\,\d{3})*|\d+)\.?\d*|\d*\.?\d+)(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?$ N/A Match a number
or (?<=\n)(\=+)\s*([^\|\{\}\r\n\=]*?)\s*(\=+)(?=\n)
$1 $2 $3 Space out equals signs for section headers*
(?<=\n)(\|\+?|!)[^\S\r\n]*\|?[^\S\r\n]*(?!-|\}|\+) $1  Space out pipe characters and header separators
in tables (one cell per line)
Replace ! |  with and | |  with
(?<=\{\|.*?\n(?:\|\+.*?\n)?)(?:\|\+\s*\n)?(\||!)(?!-|\}|\+) |-\n$1 Add in |- before first row after caption (not strictly
necessary, but including it is good practice)
(?<=(?:\||!).*?)(?<!-)\n+(?!\||!) <br /> Replace linebreaks in cells with <br />
(\d+[Ll])\s*(\d+[Ss]) $1&nbsp;$2 Make sure xys is non-wrapped
(\d+[Ll])\s*(\d+[Mm])\s*(\d+[Ss]) $1&nbsp;$2&nbsp;$3
(class|colspan|rowspan|id|scope|style)="?(.*?)"?[^\S\r\n]*((?:\||!){1,3})[^\S\r\n]*(.*?)(?=\n) $1="$2" $3 $4 Space out inline cell separators*
(?<!\n|\{)[^\S\r\n]*(?<!\[\[:?\w+:.*?)((?:\||!){1,3})[^\S\r\n]*(.*?)(?=\n)  $1 
(?<=(?:\{\{|\[\[).*?)\s+(\|)\s+ |
(\d+)(?:\s*[Tt][Oo]\s*|-)(\d+)\s*[Cc](?:ent[s]?)? $1–$2{{c}}
(?<=\n)((?:\*|:)+)\s* $1  Space out asterisks, number signs, and colons for lists
<math>,*\s*\\frac(\d)(\d),*\s*<\/math> {{frac|$1|$2}} or
Standalone fractions with single-digit numerators
and denominators don't need to be TeXified
(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*?); | $1 = $2 Change to new comment format when migrating from
{{Scale tree}} to {{MOS tuning spectrum}}

* Requires support for variable-width lookaheads and lookbehinds

See also