Module:MOS modes
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Note: Do not invoke this module directly; use the corresponding template instead: Template:MOS modes.
local mos = require("Module:MOS")
local rat = require("Module:Rational")
local utils = require("Module:Utils")
local tip = require("Module:Template input parse")
local tamnams = require("Module:TAMNAMS")
local yesno = require("Module:Yesno")
local p = {}
-- TODO:
-- - Add ability to autocollapse on large mos pages (say, more than 12 modes)
-- "Main" function
-- To be called by wrapper
function p._mos_modes(input_mos, mode_names, headers, entries, is_collapsed)
local is_collapsed = is_collapsed == true
local input_mos = input_mos or,2)
local mode_names = mode_names or {}
local headers = headers or {}
local entries = entries or {}
-- Get UDPs and CPOs
local udps = tamnams.mos_mode_udps(input_mos)
local cpos = tamnams.mos_mode_cpos(input_mos)
-- Get the mos's modes
local mos_modes = mos.modes_by_brightness(input_mos)
-- Check whether to add mode names
local add_mode_names = #mode_names == #mos_modes
-- Check whether the number of headers times the number of modes equals the
-- number of entries. Supplementary info can only be added if this condition
-- is met. Limited to 3 columns of supplementary info.
local add_columns = #headers > 0 and #entries > 0
if add_columns then
add_columns = add_columns and #mos_modes * #headers == #entries and #headers <= 3
-- Table caption
local scale_sig = mos.as_string(input_mos)
-- Start of table
local result = "{| class=\"wikitable sortable center-2 center-3 mw-collapsible" .. (is_collapsed and " mw-collapsed\"\n" or "\"\n")
.. "|+ style=\"font-size: 105%; white-space: nowrap;\" | " .. string.format("Modes of %s\n", scale_sig)
.. "|-\n"
-- Table headers
result = result
.. "! [[UDP]]"
.. " !! Cyclic<br />order"
.. " !! Step<br />pattern"
-- Add header for mode names, if provided.
if add_mode_names then
result = result .. " !! class=\"unsortable\" | Mode names"
-- Add column headers for supplementary info, if provided.
if add_columns then
for i = 1, #headers do
result = result .. string.format(" !! class=\"unsortable\" | %s", headers[i])
result = result .. "\n"
-- Enter each row
for i = 1, #mos_modes do
result = result .. "|-\n"
-- Add the UDP, brightness order, and the mode's step pattern
result = result .. string.format("| %s || %s || %s",
udps[i], cpos[i], mos_modes[i])
-- Add the mode's name, if given
if add_mode_names then
result = result .. string.format(" || %s", mode_names[i])
-- Add columns if given
if add_columns then
for j = 1, #headers do
local index = (i - 1) * #headers + j
result = result .. string.format(" || %s", entries[index])
result = result .. "\n"
result = result .. "|}"
return result
-- Wrapper function; to be called by template
function p.modes_table(frame)
local scale_sig = frame.args["Scale Signature"] or "5L 2s"
local input_mos = mos.parse(scale_sig)
-- Get the mos's mode names, if given
-- Mode names are entered as a semicolon-delimited list
-- 5L 2s gets default names
local mode_names = nil
if scale_sig == "5L 2s" then
mode_names = {
"Ionian (major)",
"Aeolian (minor)",
-- Get mode names entered
if #frame.args["Mode Names"] ~= 0 then
mode_names = tip.parse_entries(frame.args["Mode Names"], "$")
-- Get supplementary info
local headers_unparsed = frame.args["Table Headers"]
local headers = tip.parse_entries(headers_unparsed, "$")
local entries_unparsed = frame.args["Table Entries"]
local entries = tip.parse_entries(entries_unparsed, "$")
local is_collapsed = yesno(frame.args["Collapsed"], false)
local debugg = yesno(frame.args["debug"])
local out_str = p._mos_modes(input_mos, mode_names, headers, entries, is_collapsed)
-- Current means of adding entries is unmaintainable; to be deprecated.
if headers_unparsed ~= "" and entries_unparsed ~= "" then
out_str = out_str .. "[[Category:Pages with deprecated template parameters]]"
return frame:preprocess(debugg == true and "<pre>" .. out_str .. "</pre>" or out_str)
return p