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Ed11/4 is division of 11/4 into equal parts.


Division of 11/4 into equal parts can be conceived of as to directly use this interval as an equivalence, or not. The question of equivalence has not even been posed yet. The utility of 11/4 as a base though, is apparent by being used at the base of so much 11-limit harmony, as well as being a fairly trivial point to split the difference between the octave and the tritave. Many, though not all, of these scales have a perceptually important pseudo (false) octave, with various degrees of accuracy.

Incidentally, one way to treat 11/4 as an equivalence in a temperament is the use of the 11:16:20 chord as the fundamental complete sonority in a very similar way to the 4:5:6 chord in meantone. Whereas in meantone 4 3/2 is equated with 5/1, here 4 20/11 is equated with 16/11, tempering out the comma 161051/160000 in the 4.5.11 subgroup. Doing this yields 5, 7, 12, and 17 note MOS, coincidentally similar to Pythagorean tuning.