Calabi-Yau Manifold

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Calabi-Yau Manifold is a drum and bass track by Sevish that uses just intonation tuning. It was released on his album Golden Hour in 2010.



Sevish used the "JI-11" preset on his Camel Audio Alchemy synthesizer. This tuning represents an 11-note scale in the 2.3.7 just intonation subgroup.

degree ratio cents (¢)
1 343/324 98.6577159458251
2 9/8 203.910001730775
3 98/81 329.8318094767
4 9/7 435.08409526165
5 49/36 533.741811207475
6 72/49 666.258188792525
7 14/9 764.91590473835
8 81/49 870.1681905233
9 16/9 996.089998269225
10 648/343 1101.34228405417
11 2/1 1200