Table of 5-limit commas
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A 5-limit comma is the amount which separates m1 fifths and m2 thirds from n octaves.
Name(s) | Color Name | Ratio | Monzo | Cents | |
classic diminished third university comma |
trigubi comma | g33 | 144 / 125 | [4 2 -3⟩ | 244.969 |
uncle comma | sagu comma | sg3 | 4096 / 3645 | [12 -6 -1⟩ | 201.956 |
minor whole tone | yo comma | y2 | 10 / 9 | [1 -2 1⟩ | 182.404 |
laconic comma | latrigubi comma | Lg32 | 2187 / 2000 | [-4 7 -3⟩ | 154.744 |
large limma acute diatonic semitone bug comma |
gugu comma | gg2 | 27 / 25 | [0 3 -2⟩ | 133.238 |
diatonic semitone father comma |
gubi comma | g2 | 16 / 15 | [4 -1 -1⟩ | 111.731 |
major limma mavila comma pelogic comma |
layobi comma | Ly1 | 135 / 128 | [-7 3 1⟩ | 92.179 |
quasisuper comma | sasagu comma | ssg3 | 8388608 / 7971615 | [23 -13 -1⟩ | 88.271 |
chromatic semitone dicot comma |
yoyo comma | yy1 | 25 / 24 | [-3 -1 2⟩ | 70.672 |
superpyth comma | sayo comma | sy2 | 20480 / 19683 | [12 -9 1⟩ | 68.719 |
12&163 comma | quadlagu comma | L4g-3 | 22876792454961 / 21990232555520 | [-42 28 -1⟩ | 68.426 |
leapweek comma | quadsagu comma | s4g4 | 4398046511104 / 4236443047215 | [42 -25 -1⟩ | 64.811 |
12&197 comma | quinlayo comma | L5y-4 | 9265100944259205 / 9007199254740992 | [-53 32 1⟩ | 48.874 |
leapday comma | trisayo comma | s3y3 | 10737418240 / 10460353203 | [31 -21 1⟩ | 45.259 |
double large green comma | lalagu comma | LLg-2 | 43046721 / 41943040 | [-23 16 -1⟩ | 44.966 |
diesis augmented comma |
trigu comma | g32 | 128 / 125 | [7 0 -3⟩ | 41.059 |
gracecordial comma | trilayo comma | L3y-3 | 17433922005 / 17179869184 | [-34 20 1⟩ | 25.414 |
kwai comma | quinsayo comma | s5y4 | 5629499534213120 / 5559060566555523 | [50 -33 1⟩ | 21.799 |
syntonic comma meantone comma didymus comma |
gu comma | g1 | 81 / 80 | [-4 4 -1⟩ | 21.506 |
Diaschisma | sagugu comma | sgg2 | 2048 / 2025 | [11 -4 -2⟩ | 19.553 |
vulture comma | sasaquadyo comma | ssy42 | 10485760000 / 10460353203 | [24 -21 4⟩ | 4.1998 |
Schisma | layo comma | Ly-2 | 32805 / 32768 | [-15 8 1⟩ | 1.9537 |
Luna comma | sasaquintrigu comma | ssg155 | 274877906944 / 274658203125 | [38 -2 -15⟩ | 1.3843 |
Ennealimma | satritribiyo comma | sy18-3 | 7629394531250 / 7625597484987 | [1 -27 18⟩ | 0.8618 |