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← 222edo223edo224edo →
Prime factorization 223 (prime)
Step size 5.38117¢ 
Fifth 130\223 (699.552¢)
Semitones (A1:m2) 18:19 (96.86¢ : 102.2¢)
Dual sharp fifth 131\223 (704.933¢)
Dual flat fifth 130\223 (699.552¢)
Dual major 2nd 38\223 (204.484¢)
Consistency limit 3
Distinct consistency limit 3

223 equal divisions of the octave (abbreviated 223edo or 223ed2), also called 223-tone equal temperament (223tet) or 223 equal temperament (223et) when viewed under a regular temperament perspective, is the tuning system that divides the octave into 223 equal parts of about 5.38 ¢ each. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 21/223, or the 223rd root of 2.

223edo contains an excellent proportion of hornbostel temperament (via 7L 2s), between square root of π (184\223), Aureus interval (34/21 in 155\223) and the 6/5 interval (58\223). It is inconsistent to the 5-odd-limit and higher limit, with three mappings possible for the 5-limit:

  • 223 353 518] (patent val),
  • 223 354 518] (223b),
  • 223 353 517] (223c).

Using the patent val, it tempers out 393216/390625 (würschmidt comma) and 22876792454961/21990232555520 in the 5-limit; 2401/2400, 3136/3125, and 14348907/14000000 in the 7-limit; 243/242, 441/440, 5632/5625, and 1449459/1433600 in the 11-limit; 847/845, 1188/1183, 1287/1280, and 1573/1568 in the 13-limit.

Using the 223be val, it tempers out 15625/15552 (kleisma) and [58 -38 1 in the 5-limit; 245/243, 3136/3125, and 67108864/66706983 in the 7-limit; 3025/3024, 3388/3375, 4375/4356, and 65536/65219 in the 11-limit; 352/351, 1001/1000, 2197/2178, and 2704/2695 in the 13-limit. Using the 223bef val, it tempers out 196/195, 325/324, 364/363, 625/624, and 49152/49049 in the 13-limit.

Using the 223c val, it tempers out the 129140163/128000000 (graviton) and 35595703125/34359738368 in the 5-limit; 4375/4374, 33075/32768, and 78125/76832 in the 7-limit; 243/242, 385/384, and 4000/3993 in the 11-limit; 1188/1183, 1573/1568, 1625/1617, 1716/1715, and 3159/3136 in the 13-limit.

Using the 223e val, it tempers out 1944/1925, 2835/2816, and 4000/3993 in the 11-limit; 364/363, 1001/1000, 1701/1690, and 1716/1715 in the 13-limit.

Odd harmonics

Approximation of odd harmonics in 223edo
Harmonic 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
Error Absolute (¢) -2.40 +1.13 -0.22 +0.57 -2.44 -1.07 -1.27 +2.67 -1.55 -2.62
Relative (%) -44.7 +21.0 -4.0 +10.7 -45.3 -19.8 -23.7 +49.6 -28.8 -48.7

Subsets and supersets

223edo is the 48th prime edo.