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← 47ed32 48ed32 49ed32 →
Prime factorization 24 × 3
Step size 125¢ 
Octave 10\48ed32 (1250¢) (→5\24ed32)
Twelfth 15\48ed32 (1875¢) (→5\16ed32)
Consistency limit 2
Distinct consistency limit 2
Special properties

1 equal division of 125¢ (1ed125c), also known as arithmetic pitch sequence of 125¢ (APS125¢), is a nonoctave tuning using equal steps of 125 cents each. This could be considered as dividing the approximate perfect fourth of 500 cents into 4 equal parts, making it very slightly compressed 4ed4/3. It is equivalent to 9.6edo, and is a subset of 48edo (every fifth step). Therefore, it can be regarded as 48ed32.

Approximation of harmonics in 1ed125c
Harmonic 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Error Absolute (¢) +50.0 -27.0 -25.0 -36.3 +23.0 +6.2 +25.0 -53.9 +13.7 -26.3
Relative (%) +40.0 -21.6 -20.0 -29.1 +18.4 +4.9 +20.0 -43.1 +10.9 -21.1
Steps 10 15 19 22 25 27 29 30 32 33


ordinal number cents interval name
0 0 unison
1 125 2/3-tone, trienthird
2 250 semifourth
3 375 narrow perde segah, marvelous major third, near just major third
4 500 perfect fourth
5 625 pental diminished fifth, classic diminshed fifth
6 750 septendecimal subminor sixth
7 875 major sixth
8 1000 Pythagorean minor seventh
9 1125 classic (5-limit) diminished octave.
10 1250
11 1375
12 1500
13 1625
14 1750
15 1875
16 2000

Scala file

! E:\cakewalk\scales\125cent.scl
125 cent tuning
