Xenharmonic Wiki:Optional guidelines for interval page todo categories
This page details optional guidelines to help wiki editors decide whether or not to put an interval page in Category:Stubs, in Category:Todo:expand, or in neither.
When this page needs to be referred to in shorthand, e.g. in an edit summary, feel free to call it XW:IntTodo.
An interval page belongs in Stubs if it belongs to any of the following groups:
- Pages with 1 sentence or less of human-written text.
- Pages with less than 1 paragraph of human-written text, about intervals with at least moderately far-reaching impacts on xenharmonic theory and practice, with an odd-limit of 25 or less.
An interval page belongs in Todo:expand if it belongs to any of the following groups:
- Pages with a total of 1 paragraph of human-written text, about intervals with large, far-reaching impacts on xenharmonic theory and practice, with an odd-limit of 25 or less.
- Pages with 1 paragraph or less of human-written text, about commas with large, far-reaching impacts on xenharmonic theory and practice.
All interval pages that do not belong to one of the above groups, should not be in Stubs nor Todo:expand.
Following a discussion in Xenharmonic Wiki talk:Things to do, a Google Forms survey was run by Budjarn Lambeth from Jan 1 to Jan 3 2025 (Sydney time). The survey was posted on the Wiki's Facebook, its Discord, and the aforementioned talk page. 4 wiki editors voted. Lambeth himself did not vote.
The survey asked in which circumstances an interval page should be in Category:Stubs, in Category:Todo:expand, or in neither of those.
Based on the results, Lambeth created the guidelines.
Survey results
(^^) Indicates the winning option.
(??) Indicates an unresolvable tied winner.
Winner determination method
- If any option has >50% of the votes, it wins.
- If every option has 50% or less, then eliminate the last placed option and reallocate its votes as follows:
- "EXPAND" --> "STUBS"
- "STUBS" --> "EXPAND"
- Whichever option has the most votes afterwards wins; if it's a tie, then the result is indeterminate
- If there is a tie for last place between "neither" and another option, then treat "neither" as last and the other option as second last (eliminate "neither") - this is because neither wouldn't have a chance to win if it were second last given how preferences are allocated.
- If there is a tie between "stubs" and "expand" for last place, then treat "expand" as last and "stubs" as second last (eliminate "expand") - this is because "expand" is a much smaller category on the wiki, more easily overloaded by too many new pages at once, so it's better for controversial edge cases to go to "stubs" instead.
Results by factor
Factors sorted from apparent strongest to weakest.
All 2+ paragraph pages NEITHER 75% (^^) EXPAND 25% STUBS 0% All 0.1-paragraph pages STUBS 75% (^^) NEITHER 25% EXPAND 0% All high integer limit pages NEITHER 67% (^^) STUBS 25% EXPAND 8% All 1-paragraph pages NEITHER 59% (^^) EXPAND 28% STUBS 13% All narrow application pages <2 paragraph NEITHER 58% (^^) STUBS 42% EXPAND 0% All medium application pages <2 paragraph NEITHER 54% (^^) STUBS 25% EXPAND 21% All low integer limit pages STUB 42% (^^) NEITHER 42% EXPAND 16% All comma pages EXPAND 50% (??) NEITHER 50% (??) STUB 0% All 0.5-paragraph pages NEITHER 50% (??) STUBS 44% (??) EXPAND 6% All wide application pages <2 paragraph NEITHER 50% (??) EXPAND 31% (??) STUBS 19%
Raw results
Wide application, low numerals, 0.5 paragraph STUBS 50% (^^) EXPAND 25% NEITHER 25% Wide application, low nums, 1 paragraph NEITHER 50% (??) STUBS 25% (??) EXPAND 25% Wide application, comma, 1 paragraph NEITHER 50% (??) EXPAND 50% (??) STUBS 0% Wide application, high nums, 1 paragraph NEITHER 75% (^^) EXPAND 25% STUBS 0% Wide application, 2-3 paragraph NEITHER 75% (^^) EXPAND 25% STUBS 0% Moderate application, low numerals, 0.5 paragraph STUBS 50% (??) NEITHER 50% (??) EXPAND 0% Moderate application, high numerals, 0.5 paragraph STUBS 50% (??) NEITHER 50% (??) EXPAND 0% Moderate application, simple comma, 1 paragraph EXPAND 50% (??) NEITHER 50% (??) STUBS 0% Moderate application, low nums, 1 paragraph NEITHER 50% (??) STUBS 25% (??) EXPAND 25% Moderate application, complex comma, 1 paragraph EXPAND 50% (??) NEITHER 50% (??) STUBS 0% Moderate application, high nums, 1 paragraph NEITHER 75% (^^) STUBS 25% EXPAND 0% Narrow application, 0.1 paragraph STUBS 75% (^^) NEITHER 25% EXPAND 0% Narrow application, 0.5 paragraph NEITHER 75% (^^) STUBS 25% EXPAND 0% Narrow application, 1 paragraph NEITHER 75% (^^) STUBS 25% EXPAND 0%