Xenharmonic Wiki:Adminlist

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This is a list of current and former administrators ("sysops") of the Xenharmonic Wiki.

As per Xenharmonic Wiki:Referendum#Question 8, voted on February 16th, 2025:

Any future admin nominations or removals should be discussed with everyone giving their opinions freely. After a set period the discussion closes and a bureaucrat reviews all of the arguments, and makes the final decision. The outcome should be based on community consensus (near unanimity) and not majority vote.

Current administrators

See also: Special:ListUsers?group=sysop

Former administrators

The following users were organizers on the Wikispaces instance of the Xenharmonic Wiki, but were not reinstated as sysops on the MediaWiki instance (seeing as these users did not create new accounts):

  • Sarzadoce
  • Cenobyte