User:VectorGraphics/Walker alternative brightness notation

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The alternative brightness notation provides 51 different regularly spaced interval names based on size. "Infra(minor)" and "ultra(major)" may be used in place of "arto" and "tendo", hence the use of infra- and ultra- prefixes in the distinguishing of multiple neutral intervals.

Cents Interval Complement
0 Unison Octave
0-12.5 Comma Countercomma
12.5-37.5 Superunison Suboctave
37.5-62.5 Ultraunison, arto second Infraoctave, tendo seventh
62.5-87.5 Subminor second Supermajor seventh
87.5-112.5 Minor second Major seventh
112.5-137.5 Supraminor second Submajor seventh
137.5-162.5 Neutral/inframajor/ultraminor second Neutral/inframajor/ultraminor seventh
162.5-187.5 Submajor second Supraminor seventh
187.5-212.5 Major second Minor seventh
212.5-237.5 Supermajor second Subminor seventh
237.5-262.5 Tendo second, arto third Arto seventh, tendo sixth
262.5-287.5 Subminor third Supermajor sixth
287.5-312.5 Minor third Major sixth
312.5-337.5 Supraminor third Submajor sixth
337.5-362.5 Neutral/inframajor/ultraminor third Neutral/inframajor/ultraminor sixth
362.5-387.5 Submajor third Supraminor sixth
387.5-412.5 Major third Minor sixth
412.5-437.5 Supermajor third Subminor sixth
437.5-462.5 Tendo third/arto fourth Arto sixth/tendo fifth
462.5-487.5 Subfourth Superfifth
487.5-512.5 Fourth Fifth
512.5-537.5 Superfourth Subfifth
537.5-562.5 Tendo fourth/arto tritone Tendo tritone/arto fifth
562.5-587.5 Subtritone Supertritone
587.5-612.5 Tritone Tritone

There are a total of 67 standard interval names, although they are assigned to 48 25c regions. However, the alternative names can be used to distinguish multiple intervals in the same region (as is the case with 53edo's thirds).

Modification Quality (from perfect)
-200 Double-diminished
-175 Supra-double-diminished
-150 Artodiminished
-125 Subdiminished
-100 Diminished
-75 Supradiminished
-50 Arto
-25 Sub (Subminor)
0 Perfect (Minor, supraminor, neutral, submajor, major)
25 Super (Supermajor)
50 Tendo
75 Subaugmented
100 Augmented
125 Superaugmented
150 Tendoaugmented
175 Sub-double-augmented
200 Double-augmented