User:VectorGraphics/Intro to 7edo

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ever thought about the major scale and wondered why we even have two different sizes of steps to begin with? no? well tough luck, here's a scale with 7 equally spaced notes in an octave. it can be considered kind of the opposite of 5edo, for reasons I'll get to later.

the fifth in this scale is actually pretty close to what you would usually expect. (as in, it's as close as 12edo's major thirds are to the just versions). [0 686c] other intervals include the fourth [0 514c], the second [0 171c] and the third [0 343c]. is it a major or minor third? neither. or both, if you're using diatonic fifths to name intervals.

given this, our main chords can now actually be normal triads instead of sus chords, however sus chords are still useful for breaking up the line of neutral triads somewhere.