User:VectorGraphics/Interval regions

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This page documents VectorGraphics' personal system of interval regions.

1. The thirds

The thirds (intervals ranging from approximately 245.7 to 456.3 cents) are labelled similarly to how the corresponding mediants are assuming a just 3/2 fifth, but with an additional distinction in terms of neutral thirds. Thus, the range of thirds appears as follows:

Size in cents Generic name Medium name Specific name
246 - 261 Minor third Subminor third Inframinor third
261 - 276 Subminor third
276 - 291 Neogothic minor third
291 - 306 Minor third Pythagorean minor third
306 - 326 Classical minor third
326 - 336 Supraminor third
336 - 346 Neutral third Neutral third Artoneutral third
346 - 356 Neutral third
356 - 366 Tendoneutral third
366 - 376 Major third Major third Submajor third
376 - 396 Classical major third
396 - 411 Pythagorean major third
411 - 426 Supermajor third Neogothic major third
426 - 441 Supermajor third
441 - 456 Ultramajor third

Octave complement names are derived naturally from these; i.e. "pythagorean major third" -> "pythagorean minor sixth".

However, when labelling thirds in particular, it is best to speak in terms of mediants.

2. The seconds

Intervals smaller than 246c also have names as seconds. Some of the names for sevenths are somewhat irregular, so they have been supplied where necessary.

Size in cents Generic name Medium name Specific name Octave complement specific name
0 Unison Unison Unison Octave
0 - 15 Comma Comma Lesser comma Greater countercomma
15 - 30 Greater comma Lesser countercomma
30 - 50 Diesis Diesis Counterdiesis
50 - 65 Subminor second
65 - 80 Minor second Minor second Grave minor second Acute major seventh
80 - 100 Pythagorean minor second
100 - 120 Classical minor second
120 - 130 Supraminor second
130 - 140 Neutral second Neutral second Artoneutral second
140 - 155 Neutral second
155 - 165 Tendoneutral second
165 - 175 Major second Major second Submajor second
175 - 195 Classical major second
195 - 210 Pythagorean major second
210 - 225 Acute major second Grave minor seventh
225 - 246 Supermajor second

3. The fourths

Intervals from 456 to 600 cents have names as fourths and tritones.

Size in cents Generic name Medium name Specific name
456 - 470 Fourth Subfourth Subfourth
470 - 480 Grave fourth
480 - 500 Fourth Flat fourth
500 - 515 Sharp fourth
515 - 535 Superfourth Acute fourth
535 - 555 Superfourth
555 - 570 Tritone Small tritone Subtritone
570 - 590 Small tritone
590 - 600 Flat tritone
600 Semioctave Semioctave