User:VectorGraphics/Big ol' WBN table

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This is not a scale! This is just a guide to see what a good name for an interval would be under WBN (note that a lot of the boundaries here aren't perfectly exact).

If multiple intervals fall into the same category they can be distinguished by "small", "medium", "large" etc. For example, a scale with both 95c and 105c could distinguish them as small and large minor seconds.

Sometimes using "small" and "large" is preferable over arto- and tendo- interval names.

Interval Octave complement
Cents Name (priority 1) Name (priority 2) Name (priority 3) Special names (still to be distinguished) Cents Name (priority 1) Name (priority 2) Name (priority 3) Special names (still to be distinguished)
0 unison 1200 octave
5 minor 2nd superprime tendoprime 1195 major 7th suboctave artooctave
10 1190
15 1185
20 1180
25 1175
30 diesis ultraprime sixth-tone 1170 infraoctave
35 1165
40 1160
45 1155
50 subminor 2nd inframinor 2nd quarter-tone 1150 supermajor 7th ultramajor 7th
55 1145
60 third-tone 1140
65 1135
70 1130
75 1125
80 1120
85 artominor 2nd 1115 tendomajor 7th
90 1110
95 1105
100 1100
105 1095
110 tendominor 2nd 1090 artomajor 7th
115 1085
120 sup[er|ra]minor 2nd 1080 submajor 7th
125 1075
130 neutral 2nd artoneutral 2nd 1070 neutral 7th tendoneutral 7th
135 1065
140 1060
145 1055
150 1050
155 1045
160 submajor 2nd tendoneutral 2nd 1040 sup[er|ra]minor 7th artoneutral 7th
165 1035
170 1030
175 major 2nd 1025 minor 7th
180 artomajor 2nd ptolemaic tone 1020 tendominor 7th ptolemaic minor 7th
185 1015
190 mean tone 1010 mean minor 7th
195 1005
200 pythagorean tone 1000 pythagorean minor 7th
205 995
210 tendomajor 2nd 990 artominor 7th
215 985
220 supermajor 2nd 980 subminor 7th
225 975 harmonic 7th
230 970
235 965
240 ultramajor 2nd 960 inframinor 7th
245 semifourth 955 semitwelfth
250 minor 3rd subminor 3rd inframinor 3rd 950 major 6th supermajor 6th ultramajor 6th
255 945
260 940
265 935
270 930
275 925
280 artominor 3rd 920 tendomajor 6th
285 915
290 910
295 pythagorean minor 3rd 905 pythagorean major 6th
300 common minor 3rd 900 common major 6th
305 895
310 890
315 just minor 3rd 885 just major 6th
320 tendominor 3rd 880 artomajor 6th
325 sup[er|ra]minor 3rd 875 submajor 6th
330 870
335 artoneutral 3rd 865 tendoneutral 6th
340 neutral 3rd 860 neutral 6th
345 855
350 850
355 845
360 submajor 3rd tendoneutral 3rd 840 sup[er|ra]minor 6th artoneutral 6th
365 major 3rd 835 minor 6th
370 830
375 artomajor 3rd 825 tendominor 6th
380 820
385 just major 3rd 815 just minor 6th
390 810
395 805
400 common major 3rd 800 common minor 6th
405 tendomajor 3rd 795 artominor 6th
410 pythagorean major 3rd 790 pythagorean minor 6th
415 supermajor 3rd 785 subminor 6th
420 780
425 775
430 770
435 765
440 760
445 ultramajor 3rd semisixth 755 inframinor 6th semitenth
450 750
455 4th sub4th infra4th 745 super5th ultra5th
460 740
465 735
470 grave 4th 730 acute 5th
475 725
480 arto4th 720 tendo5th
485 715
490 710
495 705
500 700
505 tendo4th 695 arto5th
510 690
515 super4th acute 4th 685 sub5th grave 5th
520 680
525 675
530 670
535 665
540 660
545 ultra4th 655 infra5th
550 650
555 645
560 tritone lesser tritone 640 tritone greater tritone
565 subtritone 635 supertritone
570 630
575 625
580 artotritone 620 tendotritone
585 615
590 610
595 605
600 mid tritone semioctave 600 mid tritone semioctave