User:Ganaram inukshuk/TAMNAMS Extension

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Main article: TAMNAMS

This page describes TAMNAMS-like names applied to octave-equivalent mosses with more than 10 notes, as well as non-octave mosses (fifth and tritave equivalent).


The names described in this section may may have limited use. Some of these names may only find usage by a single person or a small group and thus have limited acceptance by the broader xen community. These names may also be subject to change as these names or the scales they refer to gain greater usage by the community, and it may be possible for the same scale to have more than one name.

Relating a mos and its descendants

Larger mosses can be described by how they related back to a more familiar mos and vice-versa. In general, all mosses with n periods relate back to a root mos of nL ns. For TAMNAMS-named mosses, any octave-equivalent mos with more than 10 steps and no more than 5 periods is related to some TAMNAMS-named mos.

In either case, any mos can be related to its descendants by treating it as the root of its own scale tree. Particularly in the absence of any names, mosses can be described as being some descendant of a related ancestor mos xL ys. Such mosses, called mos descendants – or children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, for the first three generations of descendants – contain the following pattern of step counts.

Parent Child Grandchild Great-grandchild
Large steps Small steps Large steps Small steps Large steps Small steps Large steps Small steps
x y x+y x x+y 2x+y x+y 3x+2y
3x+2y x+y
2x+y x+y 3x+2y 2x+y
2x+y 3x+2y
x x+y 2x+y x 2x+y 3x+y
3x+y 2x+y
x 2x+y 3x+y x
x 3x+y

For example, the first three generations of diatonic descendants can be described as:

  • Children of 5L 2s: 7L 5s and 5L 7s
  • Grandchildren of 5L 2s: 5L 12s, 12L 5s, 12L 7s, and 7L 12s
  • Great-grandchildren of 5L 2s: 5L 17s, 17L 5s, 17L 12s, 12L 17s, 12L 19s, 19L 12s, 12L 7s, and 7L 19s

Finding the ancestor of a descendant mos xL ys

For a mos xL ys, perform the following algorithm to find a familiar ancestor with target note count n or less:

  1. Let z and w be the number of large and small steps of the parent mos to be found. Assign to z and w the values x and y respectively.
  2. Let m1 be assigned the value of max(z, w) and m2 the value of min(z, w).
  3. Assign to z the value m2 and w the value m1-m2.
  4. If z+w is less than or equal to n, then the ancestor mos is zL ws. If not, repeat the process starting at step 2.

Finding an ancestor's step ratio that produces a descandant mos xL ys

For a mos xL ys, perform the following algorithm to find the step ratio for a descendant mos zL ws with target note count n or less:

  1. Let z and w be the number of large and small steps of the parent mos to be found. Let U and V be two chunks, vectors containing the amounts of L's and s's from xL ys that make up the ancestor mos's large and small steps.
    1. Assign to z and w the values x and y respectively.
    2. Assign to U the vector { uL, us } = { 1, 0 } and V to the vector { vL, vs } = { 0, 1 }.
  2. Let m1 be assigned the value of max(z, w) and m2 the value of min(z, w).
    1. If w > z, then add V to U. Otherwise, assign to a temporary vector Utemp the value of U, add V to U, and assign to V the value of Utemp.
  3. Assign to z the value m2 and w the value m1-m2.
  4. If z+w is less than or equal to n, then the ancestor mos is zL ws. The step ratio range for the zL ws is (uL+ us):(vL+ vLs) to uL:vs. If z+w is not less than or equal to n, repeat the process starting at step 2.

Names for mosses with more than 10 notes

Names for nL ns mosses with more than 5 periods

The following names are based on the -wood names, with appropriate Greek numeral prefixes applied.

Pattern Suggested name Prefix Abbrev. Reasoning
6L 6s hexawood hexwd- hxw Greek numeral prefix (hexa-) for six, plus "wood"
7L 7s heptawood hepwd- hpw Greek numeral prefix (hepta-) for seven, plus "wood"
8L 8s octawood octwd- ocw Greek numeral prefix (octo-) for eight, plus "wood"
9L 9s enneawood ennwd- enw Greek numeral prefix (ennea-) for nine, plus "wood"
10L 10s decawood decwd- dkw Greek numeral prefix (deca-) for ten, plus "wood"
11L 11s hendecawood hedwd- hdw Greek numeral prefix (hendeca-) for 11, plus "wood"
12L 12s dodecawood dodwd- ddw Greek numeral prefix (dodeca-) for 12, plus "wood"
13L 13s 13-wood 13wd- 13w Number 13 prepended to "wood"
14L 14s 14-wood 14wd- 14w Number 14 prepended to "wood"
kL ks k-wood kwd kw General number k prepended to "wood"

Names for mosses with 11 or more notes (excluding nL ns mosses)

11-note mosses
Pattern Suggested name(s) Proposed by Reasoning
1L 10s tanzanite, tenorite Ganaram inukshuk More naming puns (tenzanite or tenorite).
4L 7s kleistonic Former TAMNAMS name.
7L 4s suprasmitonic Former TAMNAMS name.
daemotonic Eliora Various reasons; see 7L 4s.
9L 2s villatonic Ganaram inukshuk Indirectly references avila and casablanca temperaments.
ultradiatonic, superarmotonic CompactStar In reference to diatonic and armotonic.
12-note mosses
Pattern Suggested name(s) Proposed by Reasoning
1L 11s helenite Ganaram inukshuk In reference to the "ele" substring found in the word "eleven".
5L 7s p-chromatic Former TAMNAMS name.
7L 5s m-chromatic Former TAMNAMS name.
13-note mosses
Pattern Suggested name(s) Proposed by Reasoning
1L 12s zircon Ganaram inukshuk Zircon is used as a birthstone for December.
11L 2s hendecoid Eliora From Greek "eleven"; references how "its generator is so close to 11/8 as to be called nothing but that" and that it has 11 large steps.
14-note mosses
Pattern Suggested name(s) Proposed by Reasoning
13L 1s trollic Godtone The name proposed by Godtone refers to 12L 1s, but it refers to 13L 1s as a troll move.
Note count Pattern Suggested name(s) Proposed by Reasoning
17 2L 15s liesic Frostburn Frostburn's naming scheme only goes up to 3 generations, so this name is suggested.
19 3L 16s magicaltonic Xenllium In reference to magic temperament.
16L 3s muggletonic Xenllium In reference to muggle temperament.
21 10L 11s miracloid Eliora In reference to miracle temperament.
22 3L 19s zheligowskic Frostburn In reference to Lucjan Żeligowski leading fights against the town of Giedraičiai.
19L 3s giedraitic Frostburn Named after the basic magic layout of Kite Giedraitis' guitar. Proposed prefix is "kai-".
21L 1s escapist Eliora References escapade temperament, which is supported by both 21edo and 22edo, covering the entire range.
23 22L 1s quartismoid Eliora Five generators of roughly 33/32 quartertone are equal to 7/6 in the harmonic entropy minimum; also, the extreme ranges of 22edo and 23edo both support this mos.

Names for non-octave mosses

3/1-equivalent mosses

7-note mosses <3/1>
Pattern Suggested name(s) Proposed by Reasoning
4L 3s electric CompactStar In reference to electra temperament
9-note mosses <3/1>
Pattern Suggested name(s) Proposed by Reasoning
4L 5s lambdatonic n/a "Lambda" already refers to 4L 5s
11-note mosses <3/1>
Pattern Suggested name(s) Proposed by Reasoning
7L 4s superelectric CompactStar? Expansion of 4L 3s
9L 2s subarcturus ? ?

3/2-equivalent mosses

4-note mosses <3/2>
Pattern Suggested name(s) Proposed by Reasoning
1L 3s neptunian CompactStar In reference to "uranian" for 3L 2s<3/2>
5-note mosses <3/2>
Pattern Suggested name(s) Proposed by Reasoning
2L 3s saturnian CompactStar In reference to "uranian" for 3L 2s<3/2>
3L 2s uranian ? ?

Names for equave-agnostic mosses

Equave-agnostic names (proposed by Ganaram) are an extension to the equave-agnostic names provide by TAMNAMS. They are based on Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit numeral prefixes. Names for multi-period equave-agnostic mosses are not provided, as they would be repetitions of a smaller step pattern.

6-note mosses
Pattern Suggested name Prefix Abbrev. Reasoning
1L 5s anhexic ahex- ahx Greek numeral prefix (hex-) for six, plus "an-"
5L 1s hexic hex- hx Greek numeral prefix "(hex-) for six
7-note mosses
Pattern Suggested name Prefix Abbrev. Reasoning
1L 6s ansaptic ansap- asp Sanskrit numeral prefix (sapta-) for seven, plus "an-"
2L 5s anheptic anhep- ahp Greek numeral prefix (hepta-) for seven, plus "an-"
3L 4s anseptenic ansep- asep Latin numeral prefix (septen-) for seven, plus "an-"
4L 3s septenic sep- sep Latin numeral prefix (septen-) for seven
5L 2s heptic hep- hp Greek numeral prefix (hepta-) for seven
6L 1s saptic sap- sp Sanskrit numeral prefix (sapta-) for seven
8-note mosses
Pattern Suggested name Prefix Abbrev. Reasoning
1L 7s anastaic anast- aast Sanskrit numeral prefix (aṣṭa-) for eight, plus "an-"
3L 5s anoctic anoct- aoct Greek/Latin numeral prefix (octo-) for eight, plus "an-"
5L 3s octic oct- oct Greek/Latin numeral prefix (octo-) for eight
7L 1s astaic ast- ast Sanskrit numeral prefix (aṣṭa-) for eight
9-note mosses
Pattern Suggested name Prefix Abbrev. Reasoning
1L 8s annavic annav- anv Sanskrit numeral prefix (nava-) for nine, plus "an-"
2L 7s anennaic anenn- aenn Greek numeral prefix (ennea-) for nine, plus "an-"
4L 5s annovemic annov- anv Latin numeral prefix (novem-) for nine, plus "an-"
5L 4s novemic nov- nv Latin numeral prefix (novem-) for nine
7L 2s ennaic enn- enn Greek numeral prefix (ennea-) for nine
8L 1s navic nav- nv Sanskrit numeral prefix (nava-) for nine
10-note mosses
Pattern Suggested name Prefix Abbrev. Reasoning
1L 9s andashic andash- adsh Sanskrit numeral prefix (dasha-) for ten, plus "an-"
3L 7s andeckic andeck- adek Greek/Latin numeral prefix (decem-/deca-) for ten, plus "an-"
7L 3s deckic deck- dek Greek/Latin numeral prefix (decem-/deca-) for ten
9L 1s dashic dash- dsh Sanskrit numeral prefix (dasha-) for ten


The motivation behind these names is from a desire to expand TAMNAMS-like names past the current note limit of 10 steps and, to a lesser extent, preserve former TAMNAMS names given to such mosses.

The names for mos descendants are given the general terms of child, grandchild, great-grandchild, and so on. Formerly, names based on the terms chromatic and enharmonic were prescribed, much in the spirit of m-chromatic and p-chromatic. These terms, accompanied by single-letter prefixes, such as m- and p-, and others, were used as bases for the descendants of any mos. However, these names were abandoned since the concept of chromatic did not generalize well outside the context of chromatic pairs, and the single-letter prefixes were considered temperament-suggestive.

More unique names have been prescribed by others, but have limited use or acceptance by the xen community as a whole.

The names m-chromatic and p-chromatic, as they apply to 7L 5s and 5L 7s, are left unchanged, but can alternatively be described generally as child scales of diatonic, or specifically, the child scale of soft diatonic and child scale of hard diatonic respectively.