User:Ganaram inukshuk/Provisional style guide for Lua

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Parts of it are adapted to follow editing on the wiki.

Lua style

The following style guide is a provisional guide adapted from the LuaRocks style guide:

Indentation and formatting

Use the default as specified by the in-browser Lua editor.


to be determined

Variable names

Same as LuaRocks style guide.


Same as LuaRocks style guide.


Same as LuaRocks style guide.

Do not escape double-quotes when a string can be enclosed in single-quotes instead. Only escape double-quotes when a string contains both single and double quotes.

Line lengths

to be determined

Function declaration syntax

Same as LuaRocks style guide

Function calls

Same as LuaRocks style guide.

Use of wrapper functions


Table attributes

to be determined


to be determined


Use a space after --, used for comments. The lack of a space after -- should indicate commented-out code.

Comments in code

Only block comments --[[ ]]-- should only be used for commented-out code.

Mediawiki table formatting

Have one line per cell, not one line per row. This is for ease-of-reading when debugging the output of a module-generated table. Add a space between pipes/exclamation points and table entries. This is to avoid accidentally adding new rows, such as when putting negative numbers.


{| class="wikitable"
! Header 1
! Header 2
! Header 3
| aa
| bb
| cc
| dd
| ee
| ff


{| class="wikitable"
! Header 1 !! Header 2 !! Header 3
|aa ||bb ||cc
|dd ||ee ||ff

Templates and modules

Param names

Capitalized, short, and descriptive parameter names are preferred wherever possible, such as Scale Signature, and not scalesig or ssg. Non-capitalized parameter names can be used for testing or debugging purposes, such as debug and nocat.