Talk:Tuning RPNs/WikispacesArchive

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All discussion below is archived from the Wikispaces export in its original unaltered form.
Please do not add any new discussion to this archive page.
All new discussion should go on Talk:Tuning RPNs.

8192 - 1

I have a question about,

frequency = 440 * 2 ^ [ (outputNote - 69) / 12 + (pitchBend / 8192 - 1) / 6 ].

Why the (8192 – 1) and not (8192)? The rang of pitch bend is –8192 to +8191 with 0 being no bend the total range is 16383. Using (8192 – 1) would give you true +200 ¢ but would give you more than 200 ¢ negative. There for the ranges of pitch bend would over lap when changing notes by a tone. Using 8192 there would be on over lap. Are there any synthesizers that use (8192 – 1)? That seems like a more complicated math for the synthesizers.

Using + or – 50 ¢ I would think you would not want the over lap either,

requency = 440 * 2 ^ [ (ON - 69) / 12 + (PB / 8192) / 24 ].

So to get a +50 ¢ PB you would go to,

requency = 440 * 2 ^ [ ((ON + 1) - 69) / 12 + (-8192 / 8192) / 24 ].

And to get a –50 ¢ PB you would go to,

requency = 440 * 2 ^ [ ((ON) - 69) / 12 + (-8192 / 8192) / 24 ].

Thank you,


- gillmre September 27, 2013, 08:56:51 PM UTC-0700

You misunderstand, my friend.

1) (pitchBend / 8192 - 1) / 6 is really ((pitchBend / 8192) - 1) / 6. Division has a higher priority than subtraction.

2) In terms of the MSB & LSB of the actual midi messages, pitchBend runs from 0 to 16383. Many DAWs display that range as -8192 to +8191, just as midi channel 0 is displayed as channel 1.

3) (pitchBend / 8192 - 1) / 6 ranges from -1/6 to nearly +1/6 of an octave, or from -200¢ to +199.83¢.

4) if you complain about not being able to bend that last 0.17¢ up to the major 2nd, I will scream!

- TallKite October 09, 2013, 10:02:43 AM UTC-0700