Talk:Tenney–Euclidean metrics/WikispacesArchive

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All discussion below is archived from the Wikispaces export in its original unaltered form.
Please do not add any new discussion to this archive page. All new discussion should go on Talk:Tenney–Euclidean metrics.

Is this right?

"Denoting the temperament-defined, or temperamental, seminorm by T(x), the subspace of interval space such that T(x) = 0 contains a sublattice of the lattice of monzos consisting of the commas of the temperament."

Why does it only contain a sublattice of the lattice of commas? Shouldn't it contain the entire lattice?

Did you mean "the subspace... contains, as a sublattice, the entire lattice of monzos consisting of the commas of the temperament?"

- mbattaglia1 July 27, 2012, 04:35:20 PM UTC-0700

Read the quote again. It says sublattice of the lattice of monzos.

- genewardsmith July 27, 2012, 05:27:56 PM UTC-0700

OK, I tweaked it a bit. I thought you were saying that the set of monzos consisting of the commas of the temperament forms a lattice, and that the subspace of interval space such that T(x) = 0 contains a sublattice of this lattice.

- mbattaglia1 July 27, 2012, 06:07:38 PM UTC-0700