Talk:Minkowski block/WikispacesArchive
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What does this sentence mean?
"We can find a subgroup of just intonation in which every member of the notes of the temperament, for a particular just tuning, has a unique representative."
Clearly you're not saying that any tempered interval have a unique JI representative, since we're dealing with epimorphisms, so what do you mean by this? I'm trying to figure out if these are related to the rank-3 triple wakalixes which can temper down to MOS in three different ways:
- mbattaglia1 September 24, 2011, 02:25:32 AM UTC-0700
Suppose we take the meantone tuning where fifths are pure. Then every note of meantone is given a unique JI representative in Pythagorean tuning.
- genewardsmith September 24, 2011, 04:26:42 PM UTC-0700