Talk:Cluster temperament/WikispacesArchive

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All discussion below is archived from the Wikispaces export in its original unaltered form.
Please do not add any new discussion to this archive page.
All new discussion should go on Talk:Cluster temperament.


Keenan, this is an interesting idea, and I'm curious to see you expand on it.

I'm confused about your statement, For example, the list of amity "thirds" includes ...6/5 (339.5) (363.2) 5/4... where the intervals given in cents are not representable as simple JI intervals (243/200 and 100/81 are about as simple as you can get).

But in the 13-limit, 339.5 is 11/9 and 363.2 is 16/13, which are relatively simple. So I wonder if it would be fair to call amity a cluster temperament in the 13-limit, but not in a lower one? I understand it's a fuzzy definition right now, so maybe there are other reasons to not count amity that I don't understand.

- Andrew_Heathwaite June 20, 2012, 07:37:53 AM UTC-0700

Oh, I guess I missed this back in July. Right you are, Andrew. I guess you'd call that " hitchcock" temperament. (It doesn't have the same mapping of 11 as 11-limit amity.)

- keenanpepper November 24, 2012, 09:13:41 AM UTC-0800

Hey Keenan, just saw this page, very interesting! Would you say that the schismatic temperament is a cluster temperament? If so, would 10/9 and 9/8 be a cluster, also 32/27 and 6/5, etc? This seems like an example of "clustering" that's been done subconsciously in the West for centuries.

Some thoughts on firming things up mathematically: a cluster temperament can be found by taking two commas and tempering out the difference between them. In your slendric example, it's 49/48 and 64/63. In general, it's possible to combine these two commas to get a 3-limit comma via hermite reduction. This gives us 256/243, which implies quasi-5-edo, hence 5 clusters per octave, and pentatonic scales. The 3-limit comma is the sum of 3 7-limit commas, so there are 3 chromas from 9/8 to 32/27.

I think you could take any comma of the form 2^a·3^b·P^c, with c = ±1, like 81/80 or 64/63 or 33/32, and equate some number of them to any 3-limit comma, and get a cluster temperament. Equating 64/63 and the pythagorean comma implies 12-note scales, and makes 9/8 cluster with 8/7. The amity comma equates the apotome to 5 syntonic commas, hence 7 clusters = heptatonic. Each cluster contains 5 steps between 3-limit ratios, hence 6 ratios: 32/27 - 6/5 - 11/9 - 16/13 - 5/4 - 81/64.

- TallKite January 24, 2018, 06:34:40 PM UTC-0800