Talk:A shruti list/WikispacesArchive
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Regular temperaments of the full-status shrutis
Isn't the part below this heading an own article? Despite "A shruti list" isn't a good title at all, I have difficulties to see a relationship between both parts. Maybe it's only I who has this problem...
- xenwolf December 31, 2016, 10:57:29 AM UTC-0800
The full-status shrutis are a 22-tone just intonation scale, therefore they may be emulated (with varying degrees of accuracy) by a not-necessarily regular 22-tone temperament. Of the regular temperaments listed as usable to represent them, 1&21 has a sort of "half" status since the 2/1 feels not fully equivalent (at least in a strictly equal tuning) due to the scale not interlacing.
Even so, the 22-tone temperament idea is only partly correct on the deeper level as the best-intoned seventh of 22edo is actually 7/4, which would be a komal ni if it were on the list, that even being essentially as poor as the 5/4 of 12edo; and even in the same direction (~12.9923 cents vs. ~13.6863 cents). Rather, the two hard to prioritize komal ni shrutis (16/9 and 9/5) may actually represent an underlying median minor seventh (such as the pental-septimal 25/14), which 22edo misses almost entirely (it is ~18.403°22) and "real" 22-WTs do precious little to improve upon this intonation. If this is really the case, the shrutis are underlyingly similar to a quasi-meantone temperament where only the minor seventh regularly appears in a tempered form.
- diagonalia January 01, 2017, 07:18:35 PM UTC-0800